Advising and career service appointments are available in-person or virtual. Make
appointments on Slate or call 405-744-5658. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 405-744-5658.
First Year Students
We welcome you to OSU!
Each OSU freshman starts their career with an advisor in STUDENT SUCCESS ADVISING.
They help you navigate course selection, find campus resources and choose the right
CAS Advisors
We're here to help you navigate your major!
After completing your freshman year, you will work with advisors within the College of Arts and Sciences. Get guidance on major courses, minor opportunities, study-abroad timelines and more.
Career Services
From freshman year to career
Our CAS career advisors specialize in each major to help guide you to your career
goals. Make an appointment and find resources here.
Advising and Support
Students exploring careers in health care and law can work with advisors to prepare
for the future. Schedule an appointment to discuss pre-med, pre-health or pre-law
degree options and receive support for pre-professional applications.