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Dr. Morgenstein's Lab

The cytoskeleton is conserved in all kingdoms of life. My interests lie in understanding how the bacterial cytoskeleton is used to control many different aspects of bacterial physiology. This ranges from the control of the cell shape to chemotaxis.


My lab is interested in the interplay between the bacterial cytoskeleton, cell shape and cell physiology. Our main focus is on the actin homolog, MreB, how MreB is organized in the cell, how this leads to cell shape and the consequences of perturbing the cytoskeleton. Previous work has examined the role of the protein RodZ in controlling MreB dynamics, localization and polymerization.


We are currently using cell shape as a tool to understand cell physiology—from antibiotic resistance to chemotaxis.


  • Addy's paper is up. Check it out, lots of hard work went into it.
  • Major congrats to Addy for defending her masters thesis!
  • Good job Ryan and Addy. Nice presentations at the MMG department symposium 2021
  • Congrats to Brody and Addy! Their paper was just published in Frontiers in Microbiology.
  • A great group just published an interesting paper in JBC, go check it out.
  • Interested in learning how to image cells in 3D? Check out our JoVE article to find out more.
  • Congrats to Brody Barton for a great talk at the Oklahoma Academy of Science Technical Meeting 2019!
  • The lab welcomes two new Freshman Research Scholars: Jada Lusk and Ashlyn Enright.
  • Congrats to Ryan Sloan for winning a Wentz Scholarship for the 2019/2020 school year!
  • Congratulations to Ryan Pruitt for coming in first place in at the MMG symposium!!
  • Ryan Sloan, Ryan Pruitt, Addy Grinnell, and Suman Maharjan all did a great job presenting at the MMG symposium (April 12, 2019)
  • Lets welcome two Freshman Research Scholars to the lab: Ryan P. and Ryan S.!
  • Our paper was accepted to Nature Communications and is currently available to read.