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Arts and Sciences

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The Heart of the University

The success of Oklahoma State University depends on a thriving College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).
CAS instruction, scholarship, research and outreach will lead OSU in addressing the University’s Strategic Initiatives outlined by President Kayse Shrum in the fall of 2022, including the four Priority Areas and eight Strategic Imperatives.
CAS fosters fundamental knowledge that underlies societal advances in critical areas, including nourishing the world, aerospace innovation, animal and human health, and energy. The College of Arts and Sciences, consistent with the University’s land-grant mission, is committed to promoting distinction in teaching and student learning; fostering research, scholarship and creative activities by faculty and students; and supporting the community through outreach and extension activities. This is achieved in an environment of academic responsibility that embraces a diversity of expression, experience and culture.

Strategic Initiatives, Tactics and Actions

As OSU’s largest college, CAS takes seriously the responsibility of helping the University become the preeminent land-grant institution in the nation. To do so, we created our strategic plan in direct response to the University’s strategic initiatives.


Provide students with clear pathways to graduation and articulate the 21st century skills embedded throughout all CAS degree paths.

Graduation Rate

Continue to address bureaucratic inefficiencies, degree requirements, quality of instruction, experiential learning and other forms of potential graduation impediments.

Integrity & Excellence

Identify and mentor students who show potential for winning national and international scholarships and other recognition.

Ideal Graduates

Help all CAS students leave OSU with the four competencies of professional preparedness, engaged citizenship, ethical leadership and personal responsibility.

Gen Ed Curriculum

Create foundational, transdisciplinary general education for a new generation entering 21st century careers.


Support research and scholarly activity of CAS faculty and students, thereby improving the University among other R1 institutions.


Build on and expand Extension efforts housed with the College, including clinics, industry partnerships, high school dual enrollment and more.

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