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Photo of Rebecca Wetteman

Rebecca Wetteman

2022 Distinguished Alumni

M.A. Law and Diplomacy

Rebecca Wettemann is CEO and principal of Valoir, a technology research firm. She is a trusted 

advisor to CIOs and technology companies including Microsoft, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Oracle. She is a HR Tech Top 100 Influencer, globally recognized as one of the tech industry’s top analysts, and is frequently sought after for guidance on emerging areas such as cloud computing, AI, and customer and employee experience technologies.  


Rebecca’s recent research projects include a global study of the economic impact of digital transformation, a framework for measuring the value of embedding ethical principles in software; The Future of Learning at Work, which examines technologies and best practices for professional development in a hybrid work environment; and The CX-EX Connection, which correlates company’s employee experiences and business outcomes such as customer satisfaction.  


Rebecca’s journey from OSU led her to the Fletcher School at Tufts University, where she received a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy. Prior to founding Valoir, she led a research project at the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva and built a European program for International Data Corporation in Paris, where she was able to further hone her French skills by adding French negotiation techniques and business vocabulary to what Professor Gethner taught her about the subjunctive and the conditional.  


Rebecca resides in Arlington, Virginia with her husband David Glancy and their dog Patrick. 

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