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Photo of Edwin Chappabitty

Edwin Chappabitty

2015 Hall of Fame

B.S. Zoology, '67

Dr. Edwin Chappabity graduated from OSU with a Bachelor of Science in zoology. He was also a member of Scabbard and Blade for the OSU Army ROTC.


He has gone on to demonstrate incredible support for Native American education, a record of distinguished service to his country and to the field of medicine, and has brought distinction to his alma mater, OSU.


From 1983-2009, he served on the Commission Corp of U.S. Public Health - Indian Health Services. He served as the first medical director to the Comanche Nation in Lawton, Okla. He has received numerous public health service awards, including being named the 1996 Physician of the Year by the Association of American Indian Physicians.


He also earned three bronze stars and several medals of valor during his time in the field and in Vietnam. In 2010, he received the OSU ROTC Army Award for his dedicated support to OSU, the state of Oklahoma and the United States.


In 2002, he was honored as an OSU Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni. In 2011, he established the Edwin Chappabitty Jr. M.D. Scholarship for the OSU Department of Integrative Biology.

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