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Audra Metz headshot

Audra Metz

Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders

Audra Metz is a senior studying Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in Linguistics. She came from Springfield, Missouri, searching for a degree path that would allow her to help others. During her freshman year, she learned that Communication Sciences and Disorders was a perfect fit that would allow her to have an active role in serving people through speech pathology. During her time at OSU, Audra has become involved in her department and the College of Arts and Sciences through organizations such as Cambodian Conversation Partners and the CAS Ambassadors program. 


Audra owes a great deal of her success to CAS and its staff and professors who have enabled her to feel prepared for what comes next. Whether it was feeling encouraged and better equipped to succeed after meeting with her advisor or learning about the different parts that make up English grammar through her professor, CAS pushed her to reach her potential both inside and outside the classroom. While she plans to take a gap year following graduation in May instead of moving directly on to graduate school, she is confident that no matter where she goes, because of her time in CAS and OSU, she has the interpersonal and academic skills to succeed. 

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