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Bartlett Center for the Visual Arts

The Bartlett Center for the Visual Arts houses the main office, a gallery, the Visual Resource Center and classrooms/studios for art history, painting, drawing, 2D design, jewelry/metals, graphic design and illustration. In addition, our three large computer labs are located here and allow for all levels of digital work on both Macs and PCs. Originally, the building was the first women’s dorm on campus. Later named for Maude Gardiner—a pioneer in home economics—it was used for many different purposes over the years until a gift in 1984 from Pete and Pat Bartlett made it possible to renovate it for the Department of Art. The Gardiner Art Gallery remains as a tribute to Professor Gardiner.

The other studio art areas--ceramics, sculpture, printmaking and 3D design--are housed in the Visual Arts Annex at the northwest corner of Ridge Drive and McElroy Road, which was built in 2002.