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Rafael Corzo - The Color of Dreams


The Gardiner Gallery of Art is pleased to present a solo exhibition of new work by Rafael Corzo titled, The Color of Dreams. His works manifests as a lucid reverie, connecting both conscious and unconscious states through an array of mediums including ceramics, metal wire, plaster, fluorescent pebbles and projected digital animation.


This exhibition presents a range of works that illuminate Corzo’s holistic process. The large-scale sculptures in the exhibition which include the artist’s recent piece Beautiful Cosmic Soul, Star Seeds and The Dual Dream That Follow Freedom and his new work SuperCluster Rozagante, are a dreamlike gestalt. Each small component of these monumental sculptures contributes to a total body experience felt by the viewer in which they are immersed in both form and light. Beautiful Cosmic Soul seems to
defy gravity, made from clay, metal, glow paint and pebbles, convention would suggest a grounding quality based solely on the materials. Instead, the work twists and turns with limbs that stretch outward and upward, adorned with meandering metal tendrils that create a glowing aura around the work of florescent vibration.


Also on view is a series of new hand-build kaleidoscopic ceramic vessels. Their plump shiny surfaces asking to be seen and touched. Ka’a, 2021, the walnut-colored vase with dark chocolate horizontal and vertical stripes dotted with red is a joyous piece flanked by two oversized rounded handles. A suite of preparatory drawings fill the north walls of the gallery. It is a chance to see the initial manifestation of ideas, aspirations and challenges that Corzo conceives of in his mind.


Born in Mexico City, Rafael Corzo is a New York City based visual artist and current Tulsa Artist Fellow. He received his BFA from Maryland Institute College of Art in 2012 and his MFA from The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University in 2015. Corzo has been awarded diverse grants and residencies, including the Vermont Studio Center, Ox-Bow School of Art, Penland School of Crafts, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, and Guttenberg Arts. Corzo’s work includes ceramics, drawing, painting, watercolor, sculpture, installations, metal casting and neon light. Corzo is actively seeking
understanding of lucid dreaming, astral projection, remote viewing, meditation, visualization and the full awakening and potential of the pineal gland or third eye.