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Liz Roth

Liz Roth,MFA


Drawing/Painting/2D Design
108 Bartlett Center

Liz Roth is an artist who uses landscape to investigate social, environmental, optical and phenomenological concerns.


Liz Roth’s paintings, prints, installations and drawings have been shown in over 100 exhibitions, including numerous solo exhibitions. She has been awarded many prestigious grants and national and international residencies. Her work is in Walker Museum of Art, the Museu del Joguet in Spain, and the Museum of Awa Japanese Paper.


Roth was a Fulbright Scholar in Guangzhou, China, in 2019. She has been an artist in residence at the Golden Foundation for the Arts (New York), Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts (Wyoming), Ucross (Wyoming), Playa (Oregon), A Project Space (Washington), Grand Canyon National Park- North Rim (Arizona), Wrangell Mountain Center (Alaska), Jentel  (Wyoming), the Awagami Paper Factory (Japan), the Kamiyama (Japan) Artists in Residence program, and the Vermont Studio Center.


She has been an artist in residence three times, and has an ongoing collaboration with the Xiaoxiang International Printmaking Center at Changsha Normal University, in Hunan, China.


The OSU Museum of Art has created videos about her work here and here.

Tiny Studio Tour with Liz Roth Part 1

Tiny Studio Tour with Liz Roth Part 2


Roth earned her BA at Smith College and her MFA at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.