Audiology Clinic
Welcome to the OSU Audiology Clinic housed in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. We are open to the public and are proud to provide diagnoses and treatment of hearing loss to newborns, children, adults, and seniors in Stillwater and surrounding areas.
The clinic is located on the corner of University and Monroe (042 Social Sciences and Humanities Building). Patient parking is provided on the north side of the building. A parking permit will be provided upon check-in at your appointment. Email us or call 405-744-6021 for more information. Most insurance is accepted.
In addition to providing excellent hearing healthcare, our clinic serves as a training and observation site for students who plan to pursue degrees in audiology and speech-language pathology. We look forward to meeting you at your appointment!
Clinic Personnel
About Dr. Tori Courouleau, Au.D., CCC-A
Dr. Courouleau is a clinical associate professor of audiology in the Department of
Communication Sciences and Disorders. Dr. Courouleau has practiced in a variety of
settings including academic, medical, surgical, private practice, government and hearing
instrument manufacturing. Areas of clinical excellence include diagnosis and treatment
of hearing loss, diagnosis and management of tinnitus, diagnosis and treatment of
auditory processing disorder, and medical-legal hearing evaluation. In addition to
providing clinical services, Dr. Courouleau serves as an instructor for the courses
Audiology Diagnosis, Audiology Treatment, Audiology Practicum, and Audiology Independent
Audiological Disorders
Below are the disorders we treat and the fees associated. Financial assistance is available on a case by case basis. Please contact our office for inquiries. We accept SoonerCare payment with a referral from your primary care physician, and as a courtesy to our patients, will bill your insurance company. Please remember you are responsible for any amount your insurance company does not cover.
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Central Hearing Loss
- Conductive Hearing Loss
- Mixed Hearing Loss
- Retrocochlear Hearing Loss
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Tinnitus
Clinical Services Offered
Click to read about different types of hearing loss
Adult Hearing Evaluation
During an adult hearing evaluation, the ears are visually inspected. Tests are given to measure eardrum function, sound reflexes, tone information, and speech information. Additional tests for speech in noise, asymmetric hearing and perceived disability may also be given.
Pediatric Hearing Evaluation
As with an adult hearing evaluation, the ears are visually inspected during a pediatric hearing evaluation. Tests are given in the form of games to measure eardrum function, sound reflexes, tone information, and speech information. Depending on the age of the child, blocks, speakers, lights and other techniques may be used in the testing process.
Hearing Aid Fitting
Click to read about different types of hearing aids
During a hearing aid fitting, the patient's prescription is set. Real-ear verification measures are completed to make sure there is enough sound at soft, medium, loud, and maximum levels. An orientation and follow-up is provided.
Hearing Aid Repair
Common repair issues are addressed in the clinic, while more complex issues require hearing aids to be sent to the manufacturer.
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear implants are generally used when hearing aids are no longer effective. An evaluation is completed to verify hearing loss candidacy. A surgical consult and surgery for placement of internal components is completed by a partner provider. After healing for several weeks, the patient returns to have their device activated and begin their hearing journey.
Hearing Protection
Custom and over-the-counter earplugs are available to protect ears from noise-induced hearing loss.
92550 |
Tympanometry and Reflex |
$50.00 |
$22.34 |
92552 |
Pure Tone Audiometry |
$50.00 |
$32.07 |
92553 |
Audiometry Air and Bone |
$75.00 |
$38.92 |
92557 |
Comprehensive Hearing |
$100.00 |
$38.20 |
92568 |
Acoustic Reflex Threshold |
$25.00 |
$16.22 |
92570 |
Acoustic Immittance Testing |
$65.00 |
$33.16 |
92579 |
Visual Audiometry |
$75.00 |
$47.21 |
92582 |
Conditioning Play Audiometry |
$75.00 |
$74.24 |
92587 |
OAE Limited |
$50.00 |
$18.74 |
92591 |
Hearing Aid Exam—Both Ears |
$150.00 |
$50.00 |
92620 |
Auditory Function 60 Min. |
$300.00 |
$96.22 |
92621 |
Auditory Function 15 Min. |
$25.00 |
$23.07 |
99243 |
Office Consultation |
$75.00 |
$0.00 |
Types of Hearing Loss
- Central Hearing LossCentral hearing loss occurs when the structures of the ear function normally, but the parts of the brain that process sound do not work properly. Central hearing loss may cause children to struggle educationally. Treatments may include the use of sound systems in the classroom and listening therapy.
- Conductive Hearing LossConductive hearing loss occurs with ear infections and fluid, if the eardrum has a hole or when a skin cyst is present in the middle ear. Symptoms of conductive hearing loss include difficulty hearing loudness and a sensation of fullness in the ear. When conductive hearing loss is diagnosed, a referral is usually made to an ear-nose-throat physician for medical management.
- Mixed Hearing LossMixed hearing loss occurs when a person has both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss together—such as a person born with hearing loss who develops an ear infection. Symptoms include difficulty understanding speech clarity as well as difficulty hearing loudness. Hearing aids are often prescribed in coordination with medical management.
- Retrocochlear Hearing LossRetrocochlear hearing loss occurs when a tumor or other lesion is found on the hearing and balance nerve. Fortunately, this type of hearing loss is uncommon. Symptoms may include difficulty understanding speech clarity, facial numbness, and imbalance. Hearing aids are often prescribed in coordination with medical management.
- Sensorineural Hearing LossSensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss. It occurs when the microscopic hairs of the inner ear are damaged due to age, noise, medications, limited blood supply, or trauma. It may be present at birth and can be hereditary. Symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss include hearing but not understanding, feeling like people mumble, and the loss of speech clarity. The most common treatment for sensorineural hearing loss is hearing aids.
- TinnitusTinnitus is the medical term for ringing or buzzing in the ears. It may occur as a symptom with hearing loss but can also occur by itself. Strategies for the management of tinnitus include hearing aids, sound generators, and informational counseling.
Types of Hearing Aids
- Behind-the-ear (BTE)Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are devices that sit over the ear and deliver sound through an attached custom ear mold. BTE hearing aids are often prescribed for children because the ear mold can be changed as the child grows. BTE hearing aids are also very powerful and may be used with adults who have severe to profound hearing loss.
- Completely-in-the-canal (CIC)Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are small custom devices that sit inside the ear canal. Although still small, they generally can accommodate more features than IIC hearing aids.
- In-the-canal (ITC)In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are custom devices that fill half the bowl of the ear. Sometimes called a half-shell hearing aid, they are a good compromise between power and technology.
- In-the-ear (ITE)In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are custom devices that fill the full bowl of the ear. ITE hearing aids are sometimes called full-shell hearing aids. The larger size allows for more powerful amplification.
- Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC)Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) hearing aids are small custom devices that sit deep inside the ear canal. Although not actually invisible, they are cosmetically appealing. IIC hearing aids may have limited features and limited sound quality given the small size.
- Receiver-in-canal (RIC)Receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing aids are small devices that sit over the ear with the speaker inside of the ear canal. RIC hearing aids are commonly prescribed because they sound natural, work well with high-pitched hearing loss and are cosmetically appealing.