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Department of Computer Science

Dr. Sen's Lab

Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence (rAIson) Laboratory

About Us

We are an Artificial Intelligence (AI) laboratory focusing on two relatively independent research thrusts: (1) Explainable AI, especially the mechanical interpretability of concept and knowledge acquisition in deep neural networks and of the role of logical reasoning in that process, and (2)"Biodiversity AI", the application of AI techniques to biodiversity science, ecological informatics and computational systematics, especially with the goal of impacting conservation decision-making. Prof. Sen's current & past funding sources include the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Join Our Lab:

We are hiring a new Biodiversity AI graduate student (Ph.D. or research M.S.)! If you want to work in the exciting field of AI and are interested in biodiversity and ecological sustainability, you may be a fit; please contact Prof. Sen by email with a CV and statement of interest. We invite applications from persons with computer science, biology, and related backgrounds.