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Virtual Career Panel

Panelist’s Bio:

  • Dr. Golnaz Habibi, University of Oklahoma

    Golnaz Habibi is an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma. Previously, she was a research scientist with the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT and she was a member of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS). Golnaz holds MS and BS degrees in electrical and control engineering and she received her PhD in computer science from Rice University. 

    Golnaz is broadly interested in robotics, control systems, machine learning, and multi-agent systems. Her current research focuses on visual navigation, autonomous driving and computer vision, reliable communication, and safe and reliable autonomous agents. Her paper has been nominated for best student paper award in DARS 2012 and she received the K2I Fellowship award from Chevron Company in 2013. Golnaz has served on the program committee of AAAI and the reviewer of several journals and conferences such as RSS, ICRA, IROS, RA-L, and Journal of Aerospace.

  • Dr. Esra Akbas, Georgia State University

    Esra Akbas is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Oklahoma State University. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Florida State University. Her research interests are centered around the design of algorithms for the analysis and mining of large-scale data, with a specific focus on text and graph-structured data. Her research primarily targets social networks and health data as application areas. Esra has been awarded two NSF grants in support of her research endeavors.

  • Sadia Kamal, Oklahoma State University

    Sadia Kamal is currently a 3rd PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Oklahoma State University, where her research is primarily focused on political polarization. She works in the complex systems lab, under the guidance of Dr. Arunkumar Bagavathi. She uses large-scale networks and text data to develop models for prediction and forecasting problems in this area of study.

  • Panel Moderator