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Lindsey Claire Smith


Address: 109F Morrill Hall
Phone: 405-744-6255
Message: 405-744-9474


PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

BA, Hendrix College


Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • American Indian Studies

  • Global Indigenous Studies

  • Racial Healing

Recent Courses Taught
  • ENGL/AMST 4230: Water is Life: A Standing Rock Syllabus

  • ENGL 3353: Native American Film

  • ENGL 6250: Native American Literature and Gender

  • ENGL 4330: Reimagining the West

  • ENGL 3190: Pacific Indigenous Literatures

  • ENGL/AMST 3813: Indigenous Hawaii

  • ENGL 6250: Native American Literature and the Environment

  • ENGL 4310 American Modernism(s)

  • AMST 3813: Native American Oklahoma

  • AMST 3550: Native American Studies and the Arts

  • Teaching Urban Native American Literatures (University of Paderborn, Germany)

Selected Publications

Books and Edited Volumes:

  • Editor, American Indian Quarterly

  • Writing the Native City from Oklahoma(in press; U of NE P, publication date: fall 2023).

  • (with Paul Lai). Alternative Contact: Indigeneity, Globalism, and American Studies. Johns Hopkins UP, 2011.(co-edited essay collection; originally published as special issue of American Quarterly  62.3). Special Recognition, Constance M. Rourke Committee, American Studies Association, 2011.

  • Indians, Environment, and Identity on the Borders of American Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.  

Articles and Book Chapters:

  • “On Insurrections.” English Language Notes (solicited thought piece in progress for winter 2023).

  • “How We Write About Tulsa.” Redreaming Dreamland (special issue commemorating the Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial), World Literature Today 95.2 (2021): 72-6.  

  • "Talisi Through the Lens: Locating Native Tulsa in the Films of Sterlin Harjo." Settler City Limits: Indigenous Resurgence and Colonial Violence in the Urban Prairie West. Ed. Heather Dorries, Robert Henry, David Hugill, Tyler McCreary, and Julie Tomiak. University of Manitoba Press, 2019. 251-70.

  • (With Trever Holland). "'Beyond All Age': Indigenous Water Rights in Linda Hogan's Fiction." Studies in American Indian Literatures 28.2 (2016): 56-79.

  • "The 'Whole Foods' Paradox: Food Sovereignty, Eco-Iconography, and Urban Indigenous Discourse." Elohi: Indigenous Environments 1.2 (2013): 59-78.

  • "Indigenous Military Involvement in (De)Colonial Contexts." Critical Insights: War. Ed. Alex Vernon. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, (2012): 256-74.

  • 'With These Magic Weapons, Make a New World': Indigenous Centered Urbanism in Tomson Highway's Kiss of the Fur Queen." Canadian Journal of Native Studies 29.1&2 (2009): 143-164.

  • The New World and Apocalypto: Updates of Old Stereotypes for the New Millennia (Introduction)." With Judith Villa and Penelope Kelsey. Studies in the Humanities (special issue on American Indian Studies) 33.2 (2006): 128-39.

  • Cross-Cultural Hybridity in James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans." American Transcendental Quarterly 20.3 (2006): 527-52.

  • Transcending the 'Tragic Mulatto': The Intersection of Black and Indian Heritages in Contemporary Literature." Ethnic Studies Review 26.1 (2003): 45-66. 

Selected Conference Presentations
  • “Revisiting Summer Camp in Indian Country: Recreational Sovereignty in the Cherokee Nation,” Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON. May 2023.

  • "Of Keystone, DAPL, and Diamond: Teaching About Standing Rock in Oil--and Indian--Country." Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2018

  • "Where it All Started: Jazz, History, and Futurity in the Writings of Joy Harjo." Native Crossroads Film Festival, Norman, OK, April 2018

  • "Reclaiming Glacier National Park in Mourning Dove's Cogewea (1927)." Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, June 2017

  • "'The City Different': Finding--and Resisting--Indigenous 'Authenticity' in the Joy Harjo's Santa Fe." Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 2015

  • "'The Jokes Are on Us And/Or You': Comedy and Community of the 1491s." Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, May 2014

Awards and Recognition
  • Faculty, Newberry Library Graduate Seminar, 2021

  • University Award for Excellence in Advancement of the Land Grant Mission, OSU, 2019

  • Visiting University Faculty, Yale National Initiative to strengthen teaching in public schools, 2019

  • Community Engagement Award, College of Arts and Sciences, OSU, 2015

  • Junior Faculty Award, College of Arts and Sciences, OSU, 2012 

Grants & Research Trips
  • Scholar Research Grant, Oklahoma Humanities Council, 2015

  • College of Arts and Sciences Research Leave, Spring 2015 and 2021

  • College of Arts and Sciences FY12 ASR + 1 Award

  • College of Arts and Sciences Travel Award, 2007, 2009

  • Dean's Incentive Grant, 2007, 2008

  • Fae Rawdon Norris Endowment for the Humanities Grant, 2007

  • Newberry Library, Chicago IL, 2007

  • Sequoyah Fellowship for American Indian Studies, University of North

    Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005-2006.

Current Research

My new project is a memoir and study of summer camps in Indian country, uncovering the intersections of religion, sexuality, race, and environment in Oklahoma.