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Lisa Lewis


Address: 201A Morrill Hall
Phone: 405-744-6235
Message: 405-744-9474


Ph.D., 1993, University of Houston

M.F.A., 1983, University of Iowa

B.A., 1980, cum laude, Virginia Intermont College


Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • Poetry Writing

  • Gender and Women's Studies

  • Contemporary Literature

Recent Courses Taught
  • ENGL 2513, Introduction to Creative Writing (Honors)

  • ENGL 3040, Poetry Writing

  • ENGL 4640, Advanced Poetry Writing

  • ENGL 5723, Craft and Forms of Poetry

  • ENGL 5740, Seminar in Creative Writing: Poetry

  • ENGL 6140, Studies in Creative Writing: Poetry

Selected Publications

Books and Chapbooks:

  • The Borrowing Days (chapbook), Emrys Press, 2021

  • Taxonomy of the Missing, The WordWorks Press, 2018

  • The Body Double, Georgetown Review Press, 2016

  • Burned House with Swimming Pool, Dream Horse Press, 2011

  • Vivisect, New Issues Press, 2010

  • Story Box (chapbook), Poetry West, 2008

  • Silent Treatment, Viking/Penguin, 1998

  • The Unbeliever, University of Wisconsin Press, 1994

Individual Poem Publications:

  • “Borderlands” to be published in Florida Review

  • “Feminist Wife” to be published in Free State Review

  • “Small Neighborhood” Last Stanza Poetry Review 5 (2021): 3-4

  • “Signs of Future History,” The Courtship of Winds Summer 2021


  • “The Middle of the Movie,” The Cape Rock 49 (2021): 8-9

  •  “Parking Lot Allegory,” “Candle,” and “in the eyes of the watcher,” Posit


  • “How to Make Up Your Mind,” Interim 36(2020): 73-75

  • “The Borrowing Days,” Diode 13.3

  • “Masterpiece,” Agni Online

  • “Translation Between Friends” and “How We Become Murderous,” Pine Hills

  •  Review August 19, 2020

  • “Where It Hurts,” Rogue Agent(64) July 2020


  • “Streak,” Laurel Review 52(2019): 18-19

  • “Secretive,” Gulf Coast 32(2019): 192-194

  • “Suicide Line,” Crazyhorse 95(2019): 50-51

  •  “We Have a New President,” “why you stayed behind,” “Intruder,” and “one last road trip,” South Dakota Review 54(2019): 70-77

  • “Late Tourism,” The James Dickey Review 34(2018): 36-7

  • “Petition for a Plastic Procedure,” Cloudbank 11

  •  “Gravida” and “Patriarchy,” Switchgrass Review 4(2018): 13-15

  • “Teacher,” Permafrost

  •  “Mammary,” Burnside Review 13(2017): 15-17

  • "A Rare Visit" and "A Scheme for Conflagration," American Journal of Poetry 3  (2017)
  • “Rig” and “What Goes Before Going Unscathed,” The Meadow (2017): 16-18; 61-62

  • “Koan,” The Moth 29(2017): 15

  • “Disobedient” and “After the Hurricanes,” No Tokens 6(2017): 23-28

  • “Postbellum,” Pembroke 49(2017): 20-21

  • “Forms of Vice and Intemperance,” Kestrel 36(2016): 40-41

  • “Alibi,” “New Politics,” and “Feminism,” Grist Online

  • “Prove Me Wrong,” Florida Review 40(2016): 71-72

  • "Jesus Devil Curse," Four Way Review 9 (2016)
  • “Autodidact,” WomenArts Quarterly 6(2016): 23

  • “Quadriptych,” Art Focus Oklahoma also in print pg. 22-23

  • “Arched,” Pamplemousse 2(2015): 66-68

  • “Dry Hollows,” New England Review 36(2015): 157-158

  • “Cure” and “This State Has No Coastline, But Aren’t Those Legs Sticking Out of the Sand?,” Sugar House Review 10(2014): 48-51


  • “Two ‘Nasty Women’ Discuss Writing and Editing during Trumpism: A

  • Conversation with AGNI Contributor and Poet Lisa Lewis,” Agni Online, Fall 2020

  • Review of Oklahoma Poets Laureate: A Sourcebook, History, and Anthology,

  • Chronicles of Oklahoma 94(2016): 240-241

  •  “Where There Are Mountains, There Must Be Valleys,” Walk Till the Dogs Get

  • Mean: Essays on the Forbidden from a New Appalachia, ed. Adrian Blevins

  • and Karen McElmurray (Ohio University Press, 2015): 183-193

  • “their words make this possible,” Roundtable discussion with Emily Johnston,  Jehanne Dubrow, Laura Madeline Wiseman, Grace Bauer, Monica Wendel, Tyler Mills, Rosemary Winslow, Jennifer Perrine, and Sarah Chavez, Spoon River Poetry Review blog, April 2014 women-write-resistance-poets-resist-gender-violence/

  • “An Interview with Lisa Lewis,” with Jeff Simpson, The Fiddleback, Winter 201

  • Ai in Oklahoma,” Cimarron Review 173 (Fall 2010): 8-18

  • “Hating to Be Born: Forced Motherhood” (essay), Off Our Backs: the Feminist Newsjournal 36.2(2006): 51-53

  • "Excitement, Adoration; Grudging Admiration; or, Different Strokes for Different Sexes, (essay), Feminista: The Journal of Feminist Construction 6.1 (2003)

  • “From the Editor: The Sexual Politics of Website Publishing” (essay), Crazyhorse 57(1999): 7-26

Anthologies and Reprints

  • “What Grows in Oklahoma” to be published in Creative Field Guide to  Northeastern Oklahoma

  • “Report from the Outlying Territory” to be published in Level Land: Poems for and about the I-35 Corridor

  • “HUSBANDRY         COMMERCE                        SENTIMENT,” A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia (University of Georgia Press, 2019)

  •  “Le Cygne,Bared: Contemporary Poetry and Art on Bras and Breasts (Les Femmes Folles Books, 2017): 204-207

  • “The Accident,” Red Sky: poetry on the global epidemic of violence against women (Sable Books, 2016): 70-72

  • “Five Rooms,” CutBank: Forty Years (2013): 109-112

  • “The Accident” and “Tracy and Joe,” Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence (Blue Light Press, 2013): 103-108

  • “Travel Plans for Social Outcasts,” Poem of the Week featured poem, February 11, 2012,

  • “Mystes,” reprinted in Best of Potomac Review 50(2011): 136

  • “Coupled,” Verse Daily featured poem, June 2, 2011

  • “Counting Change,” Poetry Daily featured poem, May 7, 2011

  • “The Transformation,” Verse Daily featured poem, October 7, 2010

  • “Mystes,” Verse Daily featured poem, September 17, 2010

  • “Knowledge,” Poetry Daily featured poem, September 5, 2010

  • “Field with No Horse In It,” “Coupled,” “Girls Who Love Horses,” and  “The Lamed Mare” reprinted in Cadence of Hooves: A Celebration of  Horses (Yarroway Mountain Press, 2008): 53-54, 59-61, 220-222, 301-304

  • “Cloudtime,” Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary American Poets from 1951-1977 (Mercer University Press, 2006): 216-217

  • “Field with No Horse in It” reprinted in Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary American Poets from 1951-1977 (Mercer University Press, 2006): 214-215

  • “May Mowing Clover,” Sweeping Beauty: Contemporary Women Poets Do Housework (University of Iowa Press, 2005): 86-88

  • “The Young” reprinted in Are You Experienced?: Baby Boom Poets at Midlife (University of Iowa Press, 2003): 170-171

  • “Tracy and Joe,” Stand Up Poetry: An Expanded Anthology (University of Iowa Press, 2002): 202-203

  • “Media” (poem) and essay, My Business Is Circumference: Poets on Influence and Mastery (Bedrock Books, 2001): 112-124

  • “February” and “Responsibility” reprinted in The Body Electric: America’s Best Poetry from the American Poetry Review (Norton, 2000): 390-393

  • “The Accident” reprinted in Beyond Portia: Women, Law, and Literature in the United States (Northeastern, 1997).

  • “The Accident” reprinted in Night Out: Poems about Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, and Bars (Milkweed Editions, 1997): 165-168

  • “Bridget” reprinted in Best American Poetry 1995: 134-136

  • “My Students” reprinted in Pushcart Prize 1994/1995: 169-170

  • “The Urinating Man” reprinted in Best American Poetry 1993: 139-141

  • “The Staircase” reprinted in Houston Metropolitan October 1988: 76

  • “Hatteras Lighthouse,” “Silence,” “Oats,” “Red Ribbon,” and “Revisions” reprinted in In Art March 1987: 18-19

Honors & Offices
  • Emrys Press Chapbook Prize, 2020

  • WordWorks Press Tenth Gate Prize, 2017

  • Georgetown Review Poetry Manuscript Prize, 2014

  • Arts and Sciences Research Grant, Oklahoma State University, 2013

  • National Endowment for the Arts Individual Artists Fellowship in Creative Writing, 2011

  • American Poetry Journal Book Contest, Dream Horse Press, 2008

  • Poetry West Chapbook Contest, 2008

  • Arts and Sciences Research Grant, Oklahoma State University, 2004

  • Regents Distinguished Teaching Award, Oklahoma State University, 2002

  • Arts and Sciences Faculty Council Junior Faculty Award for Scholarly

  • Excellence, Oklahoma State University, 1998.

  • National Poetry Series, 1997

  • Dean’s Incentive Grant, Oklahoma State University, 1997

  • Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Award, Crazyhorse, 1996

  • Arts and Sciences Research Grant, 1996

  • Jessica Nobel Maxwell Memorial Poetry Prize, American Poetry Review, 1995

  • Brittingham Prize, University of Wisconsin Press, 1994

  • Pushcart Prize, 1994

  • Poets and Writers, Inc., Writers Exchange Contest, 1992

  • Regional Winner (Western Region), American Council for the

  •  Arts/Dewar’s Profiles Performance Arts Award in Poetry, 1991

  • Barthelme Memorial/Inprint Fellowship, University of Houston, 1990

  • John Moores Scholarship, University of Houston, 1989

  • Tom McAfee Discovery Prize, Missouri Review, 1987

  • First Place, PEN/Southwest Discovery Prize, Poetry, 1985.

  • First Place, Houston International Festival Prize, Poetry, 1985.

  • Stella Erhardt Scholarship, University of Houston, 1984.

  • Academy of American Poets Prize, University of Iowa, 1983.

Professional Activities
  • Program Director, Creative Writing, Summer 1999-Fall 2016; Summer 2019-present

  • Editor in Chief, Cimarron Review, Summer 2019-present

  • Poetry Editor, Cimarron Review, Fall 1995-present

  • Guest Editor, Poet Ai tribute issue, Cimarron Review, Fall 2010

  • Advisory Board, OSU Center for Poets and Writers, Fall 2017-Fall 2020

  • Faculty Advisor, OSU/Stillwater Chapter, National Organization for

  • Women, Fall 1995-Spring 2011

  • Faculty Advisor, OSU Women’s Resource Center Student Alliance, Fall 1999-Spring 2011

  • Faculty Advisor, Midland Review, Fall 1995-Spring 1997

  • Secretary, Arts and Sciences Faculty Council, Spring 2004-Spring 2005

  • Committee on Common Survey of Instruction for Online Courses, Spring 2006

  • Arts and Sciences Policy and Planning Committee, Fall 2008-2010

  • Arts and Sciences Faculty Council, 2003-2006

  • Chair, Women’s Faculty Council, Fall 2000-Fall 2001

  • Vice Chair, Women’s Faculty Council, Fall 2001-Spring 2002

  • Chair, Women’s Faculty Council Subcommittee on Grants and Awards, Spring 2002

  • Women’s Faculty Council, Fall 2000-Fall 2001

  • (Gender and) Women’s Studies Program Core Faculty, Spring 2001-Fall 2015

  • Search Committee, Gender and Women’s Studies program director, Summer 2008

  • Search Committee, Women’s Studies, Fall 2004-Spring 2005

  • Vice-Chair, Graduate Faculty Council, Group II, Fall 1997-Spring 1998

  • Secretary, Graduate Faculty Council, Group II, Fall 1996-Spring 1997

  • English Department Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, present

  • English Department Graduate Studies Committee, Fall 2001-Spring 2002,Fall 2008-Spring 2010, Fall 2013-Spring 2015

  • English Department Personnel Committee, ad hoc subcommittee for promotion of Toni Graham to full professor, Fall 2014-Spring 2014

  • English Department Personnel Committee, Fall 1998-Spring 1999

  • English Department Curriculum Committee, Fall 1997-Spring 2000; Fall 2016 (Secretary 1997-1998, Chair 1998-1999); Fall 2012-Spring 2015; Fall 2019

  • English Department ad hoc committee on Procedural Appeal guidelines change, Fall 2020-present

  • Search Committee Chair, Creative Writing, visiting fiction writer, Spring 2019

  • Search Committee Chair, Creative Writing, tenure-track poet and tenure-track creative nonfiction writer, Fall 2015-Spring 2016

  • Search Committee Chair, Creative Writing, visiting poet and visiting creative nonfiction writer, Spring 2015

  • Search Committee Chair, Creative Writing, tenure-track poet, Fall 2012-Spring 2013

  • Search Committee Chair, Creative Writing, senior poet and tenure-track creative Nonfiction writer, Fall 2010

  • Search Committee Chair, Creative Writing, visiting poet, Spring 2010

  • Search Committee, Creative Writing, OSU-Tulsa visiting writer, Fall 2019

  • Search Committee, English Department head, Spring 2019

  • Search Committee, Creative Writing, tenure-track fiction writer, Fall 2013-Spring 2014

  • Search Committee, Creative Writing, visiting fiction/creative nonfiction writer, Spring 2013

  • Search Committee, Creative Writing, tenure-track fiction writer, Fall 2006-Spring 2007

  • Search Committee, Creative Writing, visiting poet, Fall 2001-Spring 2002

  • Search Committee, Creative Writing, visiting fiction writer and tenure-track fiction writer, Fall 1998-Spring 1999

  • Search Committee Chair, Creative Writing, visiting poet and tenure-track poet, Fall 1999-Spring 2000

  • Sexual Harassment Advisory Panel/Diversity Board, Spring 1995-2002

  • Mentor, Undergraduate Wentz Project, Eva Foster, Fall 2000-Spring 2001

  • Mentor, Undergraduate Wentz Project, Jennifer Dobbs, Fall 1996-Spring 1997

  • Co-organizer, Wentz Reading Series, Fall 1999-Spring 2000

  • Co-organizer, Cimarron Literary Festival, Spring 2003

  • Advisor, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Robyn Diaz, Fall 2012

  • Advisor, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Kristine Engle, Fall 1999-Spring 2000

  • Advisor, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Jennifer Dobbs, Fall 1996-Spring 1997

  • Second Reader, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Kennedy Essmiller, Spring 2019

  • Second Reader, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Daniel Metroka, Spring 2020