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Stephanie Link

Associate Professor

Address: 109 D Morrill Hall
Phone: 405-744-6232

Director, Graduate Studies

Director, International Composition Program

Faculty Fellow, Oklahoma State University Graduate College

Editor, AAALetter for the American Association of Applied Linguistics

Series Editor, Advances in CALL Research and Practice Book Series

Founder, Dissemity - for disseminating research with clarity


Ph.D., Iowa State University of Science and Technology 


Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • Computer Assisted Language Learning

  • Second language and scientific writing with technology

  • Second language acquisition and technology

  • Automated writing evaluation

  • Corpus-based genre pedagogy

Recent Courses Taught
  • TESOL Methods and Pedagogy

  • Studies in Grammar

  • Language and Technology

  • Studies in Language Acquisition

  • Introduction to Corpus Linguistics

  • L2 Writing and technology

  • SLA and technology

Selected Publications

Co-edited Volume

Book Chapters

  • Link, S. (forthcoming). The interface between computer-based diagnostic writing assessment systems and socio-cognitive research. In J. Xu & G. Yu (Eds.) Language test validation in a digital age (pp. ###-###). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

  • Link, S., & Gleason, J. (forthcoming ). Online teacher training using the knowledge framework and teaching-learning cycle for literacy development. In T. Slater (Ed.) Social practices in higher education: A knowledge framework approach to linguistic research and teaching (pp. ###-###). Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.

  • Gleason, J., & Link, S. (2019). Using the knowledge framework and genre pedagogy for technology-enhanced form-function project-based language learning. In G. Beckett & T. Slater (Eds.) Theory, research, and models of technology-infused project-based language learning and teaching: Focusing on form and function (pp. 204-223). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.

  • Link, S., & Li, J. (2018). The online language learning imperative: Maximizing assessment practices to ensure student success. In S. Link & J. Li (Eds.), Assessment across online language education (pp. 1-20). Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.

  • Li, Z., & Link, S. (2018). Toward technology-enhanced alternative assessment for online language education. In S. Link & J. Li (Eds.), Assessment across online language education (pp. 221-238). Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.

  • Levis, J., Sonnsat, S., & Link, S. (2017). Students’ beliefs about native vs. non-native pronunciation teachers. In J.d.D. Martinez Agudo (Ed.), Native and non-native teachers in English language classrooms: Professional challenges and teacher education (pp. 205-238). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton.

  • Link, S., & Li, Z. (2015). Understanding online interaction through learning analytics: Defining a theory-driven research agenda. In E. Dixon & M. Thomas (Eds.), Researching language learner interactions online: From social media to MOOCs (Vol. 13, pp. 369-385). San Marcos, TX: CALICO.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  • Cunningham, K., & Link, S. (2021). Video and text feedback on ESL writing: Understanding attitude and negotiating relationships. Journal of Second Language Writing, 52, 100797. doi: 10.1016/j.jslw.2021.100797

  • Link. S., Mehrzad, M., & Rahimi, M. (2020). Impact of automated writing evaluation on teacher feedback, student revision, and writing improvement. Computer Assisted Language Learning. doi:10.1080/09588221.2020.1743323

  • Cotos, E., Huffman, S., & Link, S. (2020). Understanding graduate writers’ interaction with and impact of the Research Writing Tutor during revision. Journal of Writing Research, 12(1), 187-232. doi:10.17239/jowr-2020.12.01.07

  • Link. S. (2018). Scaling up graduate writing support: From needs analysis to teaching practices. Journal of Writing Research, 10(2), 357-399. doi:10.17239/jowr-2018.10.02.07

  • Cotos, E., Link, S. & Huffman, S. (2017). Effects of DDL technology on genre learning. Special issue in Language Learning and Technology, 21 (3), 104-130. Retrieved from:

  • Cotos, E., Huffman, S., & Link, S. (2017). A move/step model for methods sections: Demonstrating rigour and credibility, Journal of English for Specific Purposes, 46, 90-106. doi:10.1016/j.esp.2017.01.001

  • Ranalli, J., Link, S., & Chukharev-Khudilaynen, E. (2017). Automated writing evaluation for formative assessment: Investigating accuracy and efficiency as part of argument-based validation. Educational Psychology, 37(1), 8-25. doi:10.1080/01443410.2015.1136407

  • Levis, J., Sonnsat, S., Link, S., & Barriuso, T.A. (2016). Native and nonnative teachers of l2 pronunciation: Effects on learner performance, TESOL Quarterly, 50, 894-931. doi:10.1002/tesq.272

  • Cotos, E., Link, S. & Huffman, S. (2016). Studying disciplinary corpora to teach the craft of Discussion. Writing and Pedagogy, 8(1), 33-64. doi:10.1558/wap.v8i1.27661

  • McCrocklin, S., & Link, S. (2016). Accent and identity: Fear of sounding native?. Canadian Modern Language Journal, 72(1), 122-148. doi:10.3138/cmlr.2582

  • Cotos, E., Huffman, S., & Link, S. (2015). Furthering and applying move/step constructs: Technology-driven marshalling of Swalesian genre theory for EAP pedagogy. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 19, 52-72. doi:10.1016/j.jeap.2015.05.004

  • Li, J., Link, S., & Hegelheimer, V. (2015). Rethinking the role of automated writing evaluation (AWE) feedback in ESL writing instruction. Journal of Second Language Writing, 27, 1-18. doi:10.1016/j.jslw.2014.10.004

  • Li, Z., Link, S., Ma, H., Yang, H., & Hegelheimer, V. (2014). The role of automated writing evaluation holistic scores in the ESL classroom. SYSTEM, 44, 66-78. doi:10.1016/j.system.2014.02.007

  • Link, S., Dursun, A., Karakaya, K. & Hegelheimer, V. (2014). Towards best practices for implementing automated writing evaluation. CALICO Journal, 31(3), 323-344. doi: 10.11139/cj.31.3.323-344

Selected Conference Presentations & Talks

Invited Talks

  • Sonsaat, S., & Link. S. (2020, October). Owning your teacher identity in the age of global English pronunciation teaching. Plenary presented at the IATEFL – Pronsig Online Conference, UK. Available from

  • Levis, J., Link, S., Sonsaat, S., & Barriuso, T.A. (2020, March). Native and Nonnative Teachers of L2 Pronunciation: Effects on Learner Performance. Webinar presented for the Applied Linguistics Interest Section of TESOL.

  • Link, S. (2019, February). Introduction to scientific writing. Workshop presented at Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR.

  • Gleason, J., & Link. S. (2018, September). Technology-enhanced, form-function PBLL in the WL classroom. Invited talk presented at the Symposium for Teacher Education, New Haven, CT.

  • Link, S. (2017, April). Call me a CALL expert: Mapping the structure of knowledge in a subfield of ELT. Plenary talk at the Spring Forum for TESL and Applied Linguistics, Stillwater, OK.

Recent Conferences

  • Link, S. (2020, December). Inspiring the next generation of genre-based automated writing evaluation research. Applied Linguistics and Technology Conference, Ames, IA.

  • Cunningham, K., & Link, S. (2017, September). International, interdisciplinary, interconnected: A decade of CALL research through bibliometric connections. Paper presented at the Technology for Second Language Learning Conference, Ames, IA.

  • Cotos, E., Huffman, S., & Link, S. (2017, September). Validity evidence in support of genre-based AWE. Paper presented at the Technology for Second Language Learning Conference, Ames, IA.

  • Link, S., & Cunningham, K. (2018, May). Make waves: Contributing to the future of CALL by surfing through the past. Paper presented at the CALICO Conference, Urbana-Champagne, IL.

  • Link, S., & Li, J. (2018, May). Assessment across online language education. Paper presented at the CALICO Conference, Urbana-Champagne, IL.

  • Link, S., Huffman, S., & Cotos, E. (2018, May). Understanding the impact of genre-based AWE affordances through the lens of utilization. Paper presented at CALICO Conference, Urbana-Champagne, IL.

  • Huffman, S., Link, S., & Cotos, E. (2018, August). The effects of writer interaction with genre-based AWE on revision processes. Paper presented at the Symposium on Second Language Writing, Vancouver, Canada.

  • Link, S. (2017, June). Empowering knowledge dissemination with an innovative approach to scientific research writing. Paper presented at the Consortium for Graduate Communication Summer Institute, Monterrey, CA.

  • Link, S., & Li. J. (2017, May). Assessment across online language education: Documenting interaction, autonomy, and learning outcomes. Panel presented at the CALICO conference, Flagstaff, AZ.

  • Link, S., Ranalli, J., & Cunningham, K. (2017, May). Call me a CALL expert: Mapping the structure of knowledge in the field. Paper presented at the CALICO conference, Flagstaff, AZ.

  • Cotos, E., Huffman, S., & Link, S. (2017, March). Corpora in language learning and teaching. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR.

Current Grant Projects
  • Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Enhance Writing for Publication (Proposal # 2044642 - $250,000) National Science Foundation - Partnerships for Innovation 

  • Assessing Lexico-grammatical Complexity in Monolingual Rewriting  ($3,000) Oklahoma Humanities

  • Marshalling Computational Language Properties to Foster Fluent Production of Writing for Publication. ($10,000) OSU VPR and CAS Grant

Current Research Projects

Contact Dr. Link to learn how you can get involved.

    • Dissemity - Disseminate Research with Clarity: An intelligent tutoring system for enhancing writing for publication

    • SCALE - Social Cognitive and Learner Experience Research: Balancing between learners as feedback providers and users of technology-mediated feedback on writing

    • Marshalling Computational Language Properties to Foster Fluent Production and Rapid Learning of Writing for Publication

    • AWE for formal diagnostic testing in the L2 academic writing classroom

    • The interconnectedness between system- and user-centric AWE research: Examining precision/recall in relation to revision and retention

Awards and Recognition