Dustin Lee Rutledge
PhD Student, Creative Writing - Poetry
E-mail: Dustin.Lee.Rutledge@okstate.edu
MFA, University of Notre Dame
BA, The Pennsylvania State University
Areas of Interest & Expertise
Recent Courses Taught
Oklahoma State Univeristy
ENGL 1113: Composition I
Boston College
ADEN 1054: College Writing
UNCP 5515: Capstone—Exploring Art, Exploring Self
ENGL 1079: Literature Core for English Language Learners
ENGL 1009: First-Year Writing Seminar for English Language Learners
ADEN 1060: Literary Works
ENGL 1080: Literature Core
ENGL 1010: First-Year Writing Seminar
ADEN 3500: Writers and the Catholic Imagination
ADEN 3505: The Art of Creative Writing
University of Notre Dame
WR 13100: First-Year Composition
Selected Publications
“Another Poem of Small Trust,” The Greensboro Review, Spring 2023
Licensed Course
ADEN 1054: College Writing (online, asynchronous course), licensed by Boston College’s Center for Digital Innovation in Learning
Professional Appointments or Professional Service
Boston College
Pre-Major Student Advisor, Cornerstone Program, Boston College, 2019-2021
Faculty Mentor, Woods College Manresa Experience, Boston College, 2017-2021