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Md. Mukibuzzaman Khan

PhD Student, Applied Linguistics, TESOL

Pronouns: he/him
Office: Morrill Hall 420-29
Phone: 405-744-9474

MA in ELT, Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 
MA in English, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
BA in English, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh


Areas of Interest & Expertise
  • L2 Writing and Technology

  • Digital and Multimodal Writing

  • Digital Multimodal Genres

  • Graphical Abstracts (GA) for the Enhancements of Scholarly Communication 

  • Extended Reality (XR) for Language Teaching and Learning

Recent Courses Taught
  • ENGL 1223: International Freshman Composition II

  • ENGL 1123: International Freshman Composition I

Professional Appointments or Professional Service
  • Assistant Director (AD), International Composition Program (ICP), Fall 2023 - Present

  • Webmaster, SCWCA (South Central Writing Center Association), Fall 2023 - Present

  • International Teaching Assistant (ITA) Examiner; Fall 2021 – Present

  • Dissertation Writing Workshop Facilitator: Spring 2022 - Present

  • Thesis Writing Workshop Facilitator: Spring 2022 – Present

  • Vice-President at TESLing Student Organization; Summer 2021 - Summer 2022

  • Digital and Multimodal Initiatives Coordinator of Writing Center: Fall 2022 – Spring 2023

  • Member of CAS Student Technology Fee (STF) Committee; Fall 2021 - Spring 2022

  • Writing Center Consultant: Spring 2021 – Spring 2023

Selected Publications
Selected Conference Presentations
  • Exploring Extended Realities (XR) as Semiotic Tools for Language Teaching and Learning: An Overview

  • Link, S, Yaser, S & Khan, M. M. (2023). A Genre-based Approach to Analyzing Intellectual Merit of NSF Grant Applications. The paper was presented in poster presentation format in AAAL 2023 Conference, Portland, Oregon.

  • Khan, M. M. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities of Multimodal Feedback in Asynchronous Sessions: A Writing Center Perspective. Paper presented at SCWCA Conference 2023

  • Khan, M. M. (2022). Integration of Technology in Writing Center: A Comparative Analysis of Maintaining Equity in Feedback Between Online and In-person sessions at the Writing Center. Paper presented at SCWCA Conference 2022

  • Khan, M. M. (2022). Fostering multimodality and digital literacy through simulation-based genre pedagogy. Paper presented at 7th Annual Spring Forum

  • Wesden, R. & Khan, M. M. (2021). Monoglossia and bilingual education: Exploring language ideologies among New York Bangladeshis. Paper presented at  51st NYS TESOL

  • Khan, M. M. (2021). Use of Technology in Low Recourse L2 Teaching Context: Challenges and Opportunities. Paper presented at 6th Annual Spring Forum

  • Nishat, M. & Khan M. M. (2015). Fostering Critical Thinking with short videos and movie trailers in ESL/EFL classroom. Paper presented at 7th BELTA International Conference, Bangladesh

  • Khan, M. M. (2015). Using English movie trailers in ESL/EFL classroom as icebreakers. Paper presented at 20th NELTA International Conference, Nepal

  • Khan, M. M. & Islam, I (2017). Fostering Learner Autonomy through Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL): An overview of the Tertiary Level ESL/EFL teaching and learning in Bangladesh. Paper presented at 1st IML International Conference, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Awards and Recognition
Current Research
  • The Role of Graphical Abstracts in the Field of Life Sciences: A Needs Analysis

  • An Analysis of Graduate Level L2 Engineering and Life Sciences Students’ English Language Needs for Journal Publication

  • Multimodal Composing using New Extended Virtual Realities: Exploring Impact on Genre Development

  • Fostering multimodality and Digital Literacy Through Simulation-based Genre Pedagogy

  • A Genre-based Approach to Analyzing Intellectual Merit of NSF Grant Applications

  • Fostering Equity and Inclusion Through Multimodal Feedback in the First Year International Composition Classes

Special Training
  • Specialized Training on Online Teaching by ITLE POI Online Workshop Fall 2023

  • Data and  Concept Visualization training by Information is Beautiful

 Volunteer Experience
  • Manuscript reviewer at CALICO Journal - Equinox Publishing

  • Roundtable Organizer at AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguistics) Conference at Heuston, Texas, 2024

  • Abstract Reviewer at SCWCA (South Central Writing Center Association) Conference at  Fayetteville, Arkansas.

  • SCWCA (South Central Writing Center Association)

  • CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium)

  • AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguistics)