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Language Studies Lab

A photo of a room with desks and computers


The Language Studies Lab supports language researchers of all levels by providing specialized equipment and software, group and individual training sessions, and a space to conduct research, collaborate, and share ideas.

Current OSU faculty, students, and staff:

For up-to-date information about the lab, seminars, and reading groups, we invite you to join our community by doing one or both of the following:

  • Click this link to self-enroll in the Canvas page with your OSU credentials 

  • Email the lab through this link to join the listserv

On the canvas page, you will find a full list of our resources and books as well as information about seminars and reading groups.

The lab hosts a variety of seminars as well as small research groups. Please visit the Canvas page or email the lab for an up-to-date seminar schedule. Here are some activities we host:

  • FOOLS (Friends of Oklahoma Language Studies) is a venue for us to share our conference- and publication-ready research with each other. We use this time to practice dry runs, update our community on our projects, and learn from guest speakers.

  • LabRATTS (Laboratory Research and Tools Training Sessions) offers overviews on various hardware and software housed in the lab. We also use this time to discuss tools and techniques for gathering and analyzing data.

  • The lab also supports and hosts various Reading Groups, and we continue to host the Research on Dialects of English in Oklahoma (RODEO) project. For more information, please email the lab at

We have a variety of resources to support your language study research, including:

  • Desktop and laptop computers loaded with software data analysis

  • Recorders (Zoom H4n Pro, Zoom H2n, Scarlett Solo, and Marantz)

  • Microphones

  • Soundbooth

  • Nasometer

  • Eye Gaze Tracker

  • Electroglotograph

  • Insta360 ONE X2

  • Library

The lab is staffed by a director and two lab assistants who are here to support your research through both one-on-one and group training on our software and hardware. We also maintain our own manuals for the equipment and software we support, which we can tailor to the specific needs of language researchers. Please email the lab for more information about our office hours.


Selected Lab Equipment

Soundbooth Recorders (Zoom H4n Pro) Nasometer
Soundbooth lab recorder nasometer



Audio Hardware (Scarlett Solo, Marantz PMD660)
Acoustic Analysis (Praat, NORM)
SuperLab4 Procedures
Sound Booth Recording


Follow the page links below for more information: