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Rhetoric and Writing Studies Courses

The RWS program offers courses that ensure students gain not only core knowledge of their chosen concentration, but breadth of knowledge as well. In addition, graduate students have opportunities for hands-on experiences through teaching assistantships, Assistant Directorships in the First-Year Composition program or the Technical Writing multi-section program, tutor training, and work in the Writing Center. In addition, we help both undergraduate and graduate students concentrating on professional writing seek opportunities for internships at local and national companies.

Undergraduate Courses

  • ENGL 2233: Writing as a Profession

  • ENGL 3203: Advanced Composition

  • ENGL 3223: Professional Writing Theory

  • ENGL 3323: Technical Writing

  • ENGL 3903: One-to-One Writing Instruction: Theory & Practice

  • ENGL 4523: Prof Writing Internship

  • ENGL 4530: Studies in Professional Writing

  • ENGL 4543: Style and Editing

  • ENGL 4553: Visual Rhetoric & Design

  • ENGL 4573: Games and Writing

  • ENGL 4583: Writing for the Public

  • ENGL 4593: Writing Across Disciplines 

Graduate Courses

  • ENGL 5013: Introduction to Graduate Studies

  • ENGL 5213: Composition Theory and Pedagogy

  • ENGL 5223: Professional Writing Theory and Pedagogy

  • ENGL 5340: Studies in Discourse Analysis

  • ENGL 5353: Studies in the History of Rhetoric

  • ENGL 5520: Professional Writing Internship

  • ENGL 5523: Genres in Professional Writing

  • ENGL 5553: Studies in Visual Rhetoric and Design

  • ENGL 5560: Seminar in Professional Writing

  • ENGL 5583: Environmental Writing

  • ENGL 5593: Seminar in Style and Editing

  • ENGL 6350: Topics in Rhetorical Theory

  • ENGL 6500: Topics in Professional Writing 

Topics courses offered include:
  • Writing in the Transnational World

  • Genre, Language, and Writing

  • Narrative Inquiries in Professional Writing: Storying the Profession

  • Literacies in the Digital Age

  • Theorizing Professional Writing

  • Multimodal Discourse Writing

  • Rhetorical Theory: Classical Rhetoric

  • (Re)Framing Ethics: Writing in Internet Age English

  • Image/Sound/Word: Multimodal Theory and Pedagogy

  • Resistance, Rhetoric, and the Politics of Literacy

  • Rhetoric Outside the Mind: Posthuman Approaches to Rhetorical Theory

  • Researching in the Writing Center

  • Dangerous Rhetorics: Image and Language Politics

  • Playing Professionally: Institutional Structures, Performances. and Futures

  • Feminist Rhetorical Theory

  • Software Studies