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Cordova, C.E., Morett-Alatorre, L., Frederick, C. and Gamez-Eternod, L. 2021.

Lacustrine dynamics and tlatel-type settlements from Middle Formative to Aztec periods on the eastern side of Lake Texcoco, Mexico. Ancient Mesoamerica. Early view online doi:10.1017/S0956536120000322

Scott, L., Manzano, S., Carr, A.S., Cordova, C., Ochando, J., Bateman, M.D. and

Carrión, J.S., 2021. A 14000-year multi-proxy alluvial record of ecotone changes in a Fynbos-Succulent Karoo transition in South Africa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110331

Ames, C.J., Gliganic, L., Cordova, C.E., Boyd, K., Jones, B.G., Maher, L. and Collins,

B.R., 2020. Chronostratigraphy, Site Formation, and Palaeoenvironmental Context of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Occupations at Grassridge Rock Shelter (Eastern Cape, South Africa). Open Quaternary 6(1): 1-19.

Cordova, C.E. and Johnson, W.C., 2019. An 18 ka to present pollen-and phytolith-

based vegetation reconstruction from Hall's Cave, south-central Texas, USA. Quaternary Research 92(2): 497-518.

Cordova, C.E., Kirsten, K., Scott, L. Meadows, M. and Lucke, A. 2019. Multi-proxy

evidence of late-Holocene paleoenvironmental change at Princessvlei, South Africa: The effects of fire, herbivores, and humans. Quaternary Science Review. 221: 105896.

Frederick, C.D. and Cordova, C.E., 2019. Prehispanic and colonial landscape change

and fluvial dynamics in the Chalco Region, Mexico. Geomorphology 331: 107-126.

Pokines, J.T., Lister, A.M., Ames, C.J., Nowell, A. and Cordova, C.E., 2018. Faunal remains from recent excavations at Shishan Marsh 1 (SM1), a Late Lower Paleolithic open-air site in the Azraq Basin, Jordan. Quaternary Research 91: 768-791. doi:10.1017/qua.2018.113.

Cordova, C.E. 2017.  Prehispanic and Colonial flood plain destabilization in the

Texcoco Region and the Lower Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 62, 74-89.

Cordova, C.E., Scott, L., Chase, B.M. and Chevalier, M., 2017. Late Pleistocene-

Holocene vegetation and climate change in the Middle Kalahari, Lake Ngami, Botswana. Quaternary Science Reviews 171: 199-215.

Cordova, C. and Avery, G., 2017. African savanna elephants and their vegetation

associations in the Cape Region, South Africa: Opal phytoliths from dental calculus on prehistoric, historic and reserve elephants. Quaternary International, 443: 189-211.

Henry, D.O., Cordova, C.E., Portillo, M., Albert, R.M., DeWitt, R. and Emery-Barbier, A.,

2017. Blame it on the goats? Desertification in the Near East during the Holocene. The Holocene 27: 625-537.

Cordova, C.E., 2016. The Mediterraneanization of Crimea. Physical and cultural

processes in landscape transformation. Méditerranée: Journal of Mediterranean geography 126: 25-36.

Cordova, C.E., and C.J.H. Ames. 2017. Quaternary sediments and soils of Jordan:

Palaeoclimatic and Geoarchaeological Implications. In Quaternary of the Levant, Y. Enzel and O. Bar-Yosef (eds.), 531-538. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Nowell, A, Walker, C. Cordova, C.E., Ames, C.J.H., Pokines, J.T., Stueber, D., DeWitt,

R., and Al-Souliman, A.S.A. 2016. Middle Pleistocene subsistence in the Azraq Oasis, Jordan: Protein residue and other proxies. Journal of Archaeological Science 73, pp.36-44.

Cordova, C.E. and Porter, J.C., 2015. The 1930s Dust Bowl: Geoarchaeological

lessons from a 20th century environmental crisis. The Holocene 25: 1707-1720.

Ames, C.J.H, and Cordova, C.E. 2015. Middle and Late Pleistocene landscape

evolution at the Druze Marsh Site in northeast Jordan: Implications for population continuity and hominin dispersal. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 30: 307-329.

Cordova, C.E. 2013. C3 Poaceae and Restionaceae phytoliths as potential proxies

for reconstructing winter rainfall in South Africa. Quaternary International 287: 121-180.


Raskevitz, T.R., 2020. Phytolith analysis as a paleoecological proxy when

examining bison anatomical and behavioral changes in the Great Plains (Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University).

Cox, T.E., 2014. Spatial and geomorphological analysis of mammoth localities in

western Oklahoma. Oklahoma State University.

Joines, J.P., 2011. 17,000 years of climate change: The phytolith record from Hall's

Cave, Texas. Oklahoma State University.

Rogers, B., 2007. Morphology of fixed sand dunes for paleowind reconstruction in

Northwestern Oklahoma. Oklahoma State University.

Rhinewald CS (2005) Dune stabilization in the Little Sahara and Beaver Dunes

State Parks in relation to climate change and recreational activities. Master’s Thesis, Oklahoma State University.