BTech., Federal University of Technology, Akure (NI), 2019 Interests: Hydroclimatology, Environmental Adaptation, Remote Sensing and GIS, and Surface
MA, University of Oklahoma, 2023 Interests: Geoarchaeology, Plains Woodland Horticulture, Paleoclimate, Soil Geomorphology,
Spatial Distribution of Paleosols
MS, University of Twente (NL) and Lund University (SW), Joint Masters, 2024 Interests: Remote Sensing, Ecosystem and Ecological Modeling, and Environmental Monitoring
MS, Northeastern Agricultural University (CH), 2020 Interests: Land Use & Land Cover Change; Biophysical Feedback of Anthropogenic Land Use; Food-Energy-Water
MA, University at Albany (NY), 2021 Interests: Cultural/Historical Geography, Religions and Belief Systems, Critical Geographies
of Education, Feminist Geography