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Explore Our Different Minors

Scooping sand into baggie in the Gloss Mountains

Geography Minor

  • Total hours required: 16
  • Courses:
    • GEOG 1113 or GEOG 1713
    • GEOG 1114
    • Nine additional hours, including six at the upper-division level
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Global Studies Minor

  • Total hours required: 17
  • Courses:
    • GEOG 2002/GLST 2002
    • GEOG 2103/GLST 2103
    • Any four upper-division GEOG or GLST regional courses
      • Substitute a 2nd-year or higher foreign language for one upper-division course
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Geospatial Information Technologies Minor

  • Total hours required: 16
  • Courses:
    • GEOG 2344
    • GEOG 4203
    • Three other upper-division GEOG tech-based courses
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