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Master of Arts in History


In addition to fulfillment of the general requirements of the Graduate College, admission to the M.A. study in history is based upon the recommendation of the Graduate Studies Committee to the head of the department.

Preference is given to applicants who majored in history as an undergraduate. The Graduate Studies Committee will consider other applications on an individual basis. Students with insufficient undergraduate hours in history may be required by the committee to take additional hours at the 5000/6000 level. Students applying to Plan I are expected to have made progress toward proficiency in a foreign language before seeking admission.


How to Apply

Plan Options

The Department of History offers two plans leading to the Master of Arts degree. Each requires at least thirty hours of graduate level course work, including a grade of B or better in Historical Methods (HIST 5023), and a thesis.


History, M.A.


Learn more about policies related to the M.A. degree and our public history program.

Read the Graduate Student Handbook

Check Out Our Public History Program