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Arts & Humanities Undergraduate Research Travel Grant!   

Announcing a new award designed to support research travel for undergraduates in the Arts and Humanities!  
This award is intended to support undergraduate researchers in the Humanities and Arts by providing funds to support research-related travel, including presentations at regional, national, or even international conferences, and original research at museums, libraries, or other archives. We are excited to see more undergraduates from these fields participating in research at OSU! 

Applications are due February 20, 2025 – please follow this link to apply:  

Eligible students include undergraduate students with majors or minors in the arts or humanities (Art, Graphic Design, and Art History; Music; Theater; English; History; Languages and Literatures; Philosophy; Interdisciplinary Programs), or undergraduates with a specific arts or humanities research project.  This award is organized by the OSU Center for the Humanities; funding has been made possible with donor contributions. Questions? Contact

The application must include: 

  • A brief proposal describing your project 

  • A projected budget of expenses 

  • Documentation of research or presentation plans 

  • The name and email address of a mentor or faculty advisor  

  • Disclosure of any other travel or research funding for which you have applied for this trip.  

Total award amounts will be dependent on number and needs of applications, but full funding is possible. Students who have applied for a conference or other research opportunity but are waiting for confirmation may still apply. Travel must take place before August 1, 2025. Funds will not be released until travel is confirmed. Award notifications will happen no later than the first week of March 2025.  

elise braggs standing under a banner