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Dr. Stephens' Lab

I apply a macroecological perspective to understand large-scale disease dynamics and global patterns of biodiversity. The tools of my trade are data science and computational methods including statistical modeling, machine learning and phylogenetic comparative methods. I primarily study zoonotic diseases (i.e., disease that can spread from wild animals to humans and domestic animals) and the biodiversity of terrestrial vertebrates (particularly amphibians, reptiles and mammals).


Current research topics include:

  1. Risk factors for spillover and outbreak of African filoviruses such as Ebola,
  2. Understanding the influence of socioeconomic and behavioral factors on disease dynamics, particularly COVID-19, in Oklahoma, and
  3. Global patterns of biodiversity in squamates (lizards and snakes).

Our research uses macroecological and phylogenetic approaches to address questions that lie at the interface of ecology and evolutionary biology. Our primary focus is on large-scale infectious disease dynamics and patterns of biodiversity. The tools we use are large datasets, machine learning and other computational methods.

Join Our Team

Graduate Students 

I am not currently recruiting graduate students. The earliest season that I anticipate having a potential opening would be for the Fall of 2025.

Post-Doctoral Position in Statistical Modeling of Large-Scale Disease Dynamics, Particularly in Oklahoma

I am looking for someone interested in building statistical models of large-scale disease dynamics, particularly in Oklahoma (though there is the possibility of working on pretty much any disease system that interests you). This is part of an NSF funded project that will be starting up in January 2024. There are several positions available as part of the project. The one in my lab will be funded for two years. We will also be hiring two more post docs next year. It's a large collaborative project with a unique team including faculty in integrative biology (that's me), geography, mathematics, history and communications. The project is unusual in that it will be a true collaboration between researchers in biology, mathematics and the social sciences.


The primary mission is to model COVID-19 outcomes across counties and urban areas of Oklahoma. Research projects focused on creating statistical models of disease dynamics in the recent past will inform the work of another team creating mechanistic mathematical models. We will be collecting data in collaboration with a health geographer that is an expert in quantifying socioeconomic factors. We will also be working with a communications specialist that will be conducting surveys to assess psychological and behavioral factors in a level of detail that is unprecedented when it comes to trying to understand disease dynamics at such a large spatial scale. There is also room in the project to develop additional projects on other disease topics you find to be of interest. For example, we already have projects spun up look at variation in tuberculosis case numbers across Oklahoma, the driver profile of documented Oklahoma disease outbreaks from 1980 to the present, and investigating factors that drove variation in outcomes among various urban populations during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.  

The salary you will be offered will depend on your experience level, but it will be at least $55,000 even if you are coming straight out of your Ph.D. For someone with good experience I will happily go higher. Regardless, this is enough to live quite well here in Stillwater. You would also be joining an active lab with another local post doc (and two remote alumni that are still highly active), multiple graduate students and be a part of a large collaborative research team crossing discipline boundaries.    

See formal job description below. To apply please use Interfolio. Your application should include:


  1. Cover letter telling me why you are interested in the position and think you are a good fit.
  2. CV
  3. At least one representative publication
  4. Names of three referees.

As soon as I have multiple viable candidates I will start conducting Zoom interviews.   However, any application that I get before December 17th will still be fully considered, and it's unlikely I will make a final decision before the new year. For a really good candidate, I may also be able to create an additional position even if this one has been filled (see below).  If you have any questions, email me.


Other Opportunities

Sometime in the next year I anticipate creating another position for a post doctoral scholar to explore global patterns of biodiversity in squamates (lizards and snakes). This position would certainly lend itself to conservation questions if that is your passion. This position would be for approximately a year, and will include salary in at least the low 50s. Please email me if you are interested

Job Description

Post Doctoral Research Associate, Statistical Modeling of Large-Scale Disease Dynamics

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University, associated with a project funded by NSF “Using socioeconomic, behavioral and environmental data to understand disease dynamics: exploring COVID-19 outcomes in Oklahoma.”

The successful candidate will build statistical models capturing how large-scale environmental and socioeconomic factors affect disease dynamics, particularly past disease outbreaks in Oklahoma. However, there will also be room to develop analyses of disease systems in other regions, particularly of respiratory diseases. Duties will include:


  • Participating in database development (developing existing resources and new ones as needed)
  • Developing project workflows in R. Knowledge of statistical modeling, machine learning (such as boosted regression trees, ridge regression), GIS, proficiency with R and experience either with macroecological analyses or statistical analyses of disease dynamics are required.
  • Additional related skills such as knowledge of disease ecology, COVID-19, respiratory diseases in general, python, economic or biodiversity analyses, mechanistic mathematical modeling or phylogenetic comparative methods are welcome but not essential.  

Required qualifications are a Ph.D. in ecology, evolutionary biology, statistics, epidemiology or closely related fields. Candidates with a past record of publication in disease ecology, epidemiology or macroecology will be given preference. Candidates must have excellent English writing and verbal communication skills, as well as an established record of productivity (i.e., at least one previous peer reviewed publication). The positions is available immediately and will remain open until filled. The position will initially have a duration of one year, with possibility of extension to a second year depending on satisfactory performance and funding availability. Compensation will include 12 months of full time salary, health insurance and other benefits.


To apply, please submit:

  • Cover letter addressing how the candidate’s expertise meets the position requirements
  • CV
  • One representative publication
  • Contact info (phone and email) for three references using Interfolio.

Please send all inquiries to Patrick Stephens. Review of applications will begin as soon as they are received and continue until a suitable candidate is found. However, application materials received by December 17, 2023, will certainly receive full consideration. We value the diversity of perspectives that a team made up of individuals with varied backgrounds will possess and encourage applications from members of groups underrepresented in STEM. 


Oklahoma State University, as an equal opportunity employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding non-discrimination and affirmative action.  Oklahoma State University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all individuals and does not discriminate based on race, religion, age, sex, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability or veteran status with regard to employment, educational programs and activities, and/or admissions.