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Our Research

The Department of Integrative Biology takes an integrative approach to research in organismal biology, focusing on increasing our knowledge of organisms and their environments through studies ranging from the molecular to the ecosystem level. We have three inclusive areas of study: evolution, ecology, and environmental stress, which we define quite broadly. Among others, these areas include studies in conservation ecology, genomics, neuroscience, behavioral ecology, environmental toxicology, science education, systematics, ecosystem studies, and physiology.

As a result of these diverse interests our faculty are funded through a variety of avenues including the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, National Institutes of Health, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and many state agencies such as the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. A necessity of our integrative approach involves collaborations with many other entities on campus such as Veterinary Medicine, Education, Natural Resources Management, and Engineering.

Faculty and Staff

Contact information for our faculty and staff. Also faculty lab links.
Life Sciences West Building exterior

Collection of Vertebrates

The OSU COV, like most natural history collections, is made available to the scientific community either by personal visits, loans, or through electronic transfer of information.
COV Logo

Exotoxicology and Water Quality Research Laboratory (EWQRL)

The EWQRL is located in Life Sciences West and offers services both within and external to OSU.

Oklahoma Network-Research and Mentoring for Post-Baccalaureates

The Oklahoma Network-Research and Mentoring for Post-Baccalaureates (ON-RaMP) program offers mentored research experiences for recent graduates in the biological sciences.
ON-RaMP logo

Statement on Evolution

Evolution has over 150 years of empirical support from diverse disciplines of scientific inquiry, ranging from biogeography and paleontology to genetics and molecular biology. This rigorously tested and overwhelmingly supported scientific theory is the central unifying principle in biology, and understanding evolution is thus a critical component of any sound education in a scientific discipline. In spite of the vast consensus view among trained scientists and science educators, there continue to be political attempts in numerous states, including Oklahoma, to force a so-called alternative to evolution – “Intelligent Design” (ID) – into the science curriculum of public schools. ID is not a scientific theory and its claims cannot be addressed by scientific means. These political actions severely undermine the accurate and thorough understanding of the nature of science. Furthermore, they threaten to put our state at a competitive disadvantage in attracting and retaining jobs in an increasingly technologically-oriented society. Therefore, the Department of Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University joins with numerous other organizations devoted to science education and research in affirming the centrality of evolution to biology and in opposing attempts to introduce the teaching of ID into any science curriculum.


More Information About Understanding Evolution


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