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03/22/2016 — Chytrid fungus affects calling behavior — Our recent paper on how amphibian chytrid fungus affects calling behavior in Japanese tree frogs has been highlighted in Science and Nature. The research also was featured on BBC World Update.


02/15/2012 — IUCN World Conservation Congress — We organized a workshop at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju, 6-15 September 2012, entitled "Addressing the Global Amphibian Crisis by Integrating Policy, Planning and Research."


09/20/2011 — FrogLog article features our research — Our research is highlighted in an article in the September issue of FrogLog, a publication of the IUCN/SSC.


12/25/2010 — Royal Society 350th anniversary commendation — Our paper demonstrating kin recognition by self-inspection using MHC cues has been cited for its importance in the Royal Society of London's 350th anniversary celebration.