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Undergraduate Studies

in Integrative Biology
The department promotes the advancement and widespread dissemination of knowledge about organisms and their environments from cellular to ecosystem levels of analysis. We prepare students for careers in academia, human and veterinary medicine, and professional disciplines that focus on the interaction between humans and the natural environment.


Bee on a red flower

Biology, B.S.

This undergraduate degree is available for students wishing to obtain a broad degree encompassing all of the life sciences. This degree is administered jointly by the Departments Biology, Microbiology, and Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution. Through coursework from these three departments, graduates prepare for careers in a variety of biologically related fields.

Biology Allied Health Option Environmental Biology Option Pre-Medical Sciences Option Secondary Teacher Certification
three ground finches

Physiology, B.S.

The undergraduate major in Physiology is a specialized life-science degree. It requires intensive course work in general zoology, genetics, gross and comparative anatomy, general and mammalian physiology, biochemistry, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The physiology degree primarily serves to prepare students for graduate school or a medically related professional school.

Physiology Pre-Medical Sciences Option
hummingbird sitting on a hand

Zoology, B.S.

This undergraduate degree requires courses in cell biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, physiology and vertebrate and invertebrate zoology. To become a zoologist, the student must also have a good foundation in the related fields of chemistry, physics, mathematics and botany. The zoology degree prepares students for graduate school and for many applied and professional careers.

Zoology Ecology and Conservation Biology Option Pre-Medical Sciences Option Pre-Veterinary Sciences Option Secondary Teacher Certification
