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AMIS Announcements

Stay up to date with AMIS events, scholarships, and news!


02/25/2025 - Indigenous Chicago Oral History Intern - Applications Open

The Indigenous Chicago Project is looking for an undergraduate student in Native American and Indigenous Studies to join our team as the Oral History Intern. This is a great opportunity, and the internship is paid!


For more information and to apply, click here!


02/04/2025 - NCAIS Graduate Student Conference 2025 Schedule 

NCAIS Graduate Students will be presenting papers in a number of academic fields related to American Indian and Indigenous Studies. NCAIS faculty members and other audience members help presenters further develop their ideas and arguments through questions and constructive feedback. The NCAIS Graduate Conference sessions are open to all students and faculty at NCAIS institutions. We hope to see you there!


Click here for more information.


01/16/2025 - Dr. Mishuana Goeman Speaker Series

The Center for the Humanities is bringing in Dr. Mishuana Goeman, the well-known Indigenous Studies scholar, on March 3 and 4. Her talk will be on Treaty Art: Place, Belonging and Expressive Citizenship through Art Practices. 


Please see this flyer for more information!



12/03/2024 - NARCH Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

Here are even more opportunities for paid research experience! The Native American Research Center for Health is looking for Native American students to apply for a 9-week hands-on research experience. This program has excellent skill development and career preparation for undergraduate students! See below for more details.


For more information, Click Here!


11/26/2024 - LIBR Accelerated Summer Research (LASR) Internship

Are you interested in getting paid to be more involved with research? The Laureate Institude for Brain Research has the perfect position for you! This 8-week program will help you get your foot in the door in being involved with important psychology research and grant you access to wonderful mentors. It will last from June 2nd to July 31st of 2025! Applications open January 1st to April 1st of 2025. Please see the flyer below for more detail!


For more information, Click Here!


11/19/2024 - National Institude on Drug Abuse Summer Research Internship Program - Application Now Open

The NIDA offers a paid summer research position for undergraduate students to gain resaerch on substance use and addiction. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in research, networking, and graduate-level work. Pleasae see the flyer below for more information!


For more information, please Click Here!


10/09/2024 - OSU Native Student Association 53rd Annual Powwow

On October 26th, 2024, NASA is hosting the 53rd Annual Powwow at Payne County Expo Center! This will include contests for all age groups and a series of events from 12:00pm to 11:00pm. This is a wonderful event, and we would love to see everyone there! Please see the attached flyer for more information:


53rd Annual Powwow Flyer




oct2024 panel09/28/2024 - Center for the Humanities Presentations

OSU's Center for the Humanities is hosting two panel discussions that will present valuable and unique topics! First, Dr. Louise Siddons will discuss how photography can impact sovereignty, politics, and queer identity on Tuesday, October 15 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm in the library's Helmerich Browsing Room.

Next, Dr. Alai Reyes-Santos and her colleagues will nov2024 panelpresent on th Just Futures Institude for Racial and Climate Justice on Wednesday, November 20th from 3:30pm - 4:30pm at the same location. Please join if any of these topics interest you! 














09/13/2024 - OSU Psychology Diversity Day

OSU Psychology is hosting a diversity day on Friday, September 17th! This is an opportunity for talented undergraduates and recent college graduates from historically marginalized backgrounds who are invested in pursuing doctoral-level training in clinical or experimental psychology. There will be information about graduate school applications, finances, and even panels where you can meet graduate students and faculty. Come prepared with any questions you may have. Hope to see you there!


For More Information and Registration, click here!


09/10/2024 - NCAIS Graduate Student Conference 2024 Call for Abstracts

The D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies invites graduate students within the Newberry Consortium for American Indian and Indigenous Studies (NCAIS) to submit proposals for individual papers in any academic field relating to American Indian and Indigenous Studies.
To propose a paper, please submit a title and a 250-word abstract of your paper and a short bio by October 8, 2024, using this Google Form.


08/14/2024 - Native Children's Research Exchange Call for Applications

The NCRE is accepting applications to start November 2024! If you are interested, please visit the website below and click "apply" at the bottom of the page. Applications are due Monday, September 9th! 


NCRE Website


08/14/2024 - ABCT Native Special Interest Group Call for Abstracts

The deadline for abstract submissions to the Native American Issues in Behavior Therapy and Research SIG has been extended to August 23rd. To submit, please send an abstract of 200-300 words to Evan White ( with "ABCT 2024 NativeSIG Poster Submission [LAST NAME]" as the subject line. 


02/28/2024 - Sovereignty Symposium XXXVI – 2024 Call for Papers/Abstracts

The 36th Sovereignty Symposium will be held from June 11th to June 12th, 2024 at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel, OKC! If you are interested in submitting a paper, poster, or attending the conference, please check out these flyers for more information. Hope to see you there!


Call for Papers

Call for Posters


02/20/2024 - Newberry Consortium - Approaching Native American Historiography

The Newberry Consortium presents Approaching Native American Historiography: Confronting Past and Contemporary Understandings of the Field of Native American History, a four-week graduate course held in Chicago! The course will include discussions on writing Native American history, influence of research and history on modern Native communities, ethics and responsibilities when writing Native history, and much more!


Students will receive a living stipend and will be reimbursed for travel expenses. To apply, please complete this application document and send it directly to their NCAIS faculty liason by March 8th. 


02/10/2024 — NCAIS Graduate Student Conference-Call for Abstracts

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The D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies invites graduate students within the Newberry Consortium for American Indian an Indigenous Studies (NCAIS) to submit proposals for individual papers in any academic field relating to American Indian and Indigenous Studies.


To propose a paper, please submit a title and a 250-word abstract of your paper and a short bio by October 10, 2023 to Please submit your abstract and bio as a separate word document or PDF and ensure your name and paper title are included in the document.


11/2023 — Native American Heritage Month Celebration

Native American Heritage Month Flyer

The American Indian Studies Program, in conjunction with American Indians into Psychology and the Psychology Diversified Students Program, invite you to  celebrate Native American Heritage Month!


Join us November 9, 2023, in front of the Psychology Building front porch and lawn for a Tipi set-up at 5am, blessings and lunch at noon and take down the Tipi at 4:30pm. Come learn how to set-up and take down a tipi.


All are welcome, we hope to see you there!


11/01/2023 — AMIS Event: Reading the Bible on Turtle Island — AMIS, Center for Sovereign Nations, and OSU Religious Studies Program is hosting a talk by Chris Hoklotubbe regarding Indigenous culture and Christian scripture. If this event interests you, please join us on Wednesday, Nov. 15th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in AGH 101!


01/11/2023 — OUHSC Paid Summer Research Program — OUHSC is calling for Native students to apply for a summer research program! This will include research in a laboratory, specifically regarding clinical, translational, public health, and cancer research, specifically regarding health disparities among Native Americans. Please apply by January 15th! See the flyer below for more information.


10/31/2023 — Native American Heritage Month Celebration — The American Indian Studies Program, in conjunction with American Indians into Psychology and the Psychology Diversified Students Program, invite you to join a celebration of Native American Heritage Month! This will include a Tipi set-up, blessings and lunch, then Tipi take-down. All are welcome, we hope to see you there! Please see the flyer for more information.


05/02/2023 — NCAIS Summer Insitute Graduate Course — NCAIS presents a four-week graduate course held at The Newberry Library in Chicago. This course will focus on Indigenous schooling experiences in Canada and the United States, specifically studying power dynamics, gender, race, and sovereignty. Participants will receive a $600 living stipend and reimbursement for $600 of travel expenses. Applications have reopened for the entire week starting May 1st! Graduate students and advanced undergraduates who are interested, please apply by contacting their NCAIS Faculty Liaison, Kallie Kosc, Ph.D.


04/12/2023 — Freedom Sketches: The Art of Brummett Echohawk — Come see Dr. Kristin Youngbull present on Brummett Echohawk's art on Thursday, April 13th from 5:00 - 6:00pm in 035 SSH Building at OSU!


03/30/2023 — 2023 Distinguished American Indian Psychology Alumnus Award - Tamara Newcomb, Ph.D. — AMIS extends our congratulations to Dr. Tamara Newcomb, Ph.D. in achieving the 2023 Distinguished American Indian Psychology Alumnus award! Please join us for a reception at Stillwater Backstage (110 E. 7th Ave, Stilwlater, OK 74074) for a reception on April 20th, 2023.


03/03/2023 — Mapping Tahlequah History Workshop — You are invited to the Mapping Tahlequah History (MTH) Workshop on April 10th from 9am - 5pm in Tahlequah (address: Wilson Hall on the campus of Northeastern State University at 703 N Grand Ave. Tahlequah).


Mapping Tahlequah History is a project based at Northeastern State University (NSU) with collaborators at the University of Oklahoma and different organizations and communities. MTH supports student immersive learning and development of a public educational digital humanities interactive map and accompanying database focused on local histories. The map and database help make local historical information more accessible by providing students and other users with links to documents and other resources such as videos and pictures. The project highlights Cherokee and diverse regional histories of Tahlequah and surrounding areas of what is known as Green Country in Northeastern Oklahoma.


This community-centered work-in-progress focuses on Indigenous and racial histories, historic sites and landscapes, and Indigenous place names and languages that layer the map and knowledge of our area. This project brings together citizen scholars from different areas of interest such as humanities in geography, history, linguistics, and Cherokee and Indigenous studies to sustain engaging curriculum and immersive and service-oriented learning that upholds the interconnectedness of higher education and regional relationships.


We especially hope that students, teachers, and educators can participate. We would greatly appreciate your help with spreading the word about the workshop. Please see and share these flyers, available in this hyperlink and learn more about MTH on our website.


03/01/2023 — Surviving the Long Wars: Exhibition Close-Up and Poetry Reading

Join the D'Arcy McNickle Center for AMerican Indian and Indigenous Studies to an exhibition and poetry reading of Surviving the Long Wars by Erika Renee Land, Monty Little (Diné), Dunya Mikhail, and Carlos Sirah. The event is held on March 16th at 6pm. Please see a further description and registration (both in-person and livestream) links below!


Join military veterans and poets Erika Renee Land, Monty Little (Diné), Dunya Mikhail, and Carlos Sirah for an evening of poetry exploring the disparate impacts of war and the search for a path toward solidarity. 
This event will also provide a closer look at the Newberry exhibition Surviving the Long Wars: Residues and Rebellions, which pairs historic works with contemporary art that reflects on the persistence of anti-colonial resistance in the so-called "Indian Wars" of the 18th and 19th centuries to the 21st century "Global War on Terror." The exhibition coincides with the second Veteran Art Triennial and Summit, held this year in Chicago. The exhibition at the Newberry is open February 28 - May 27, 2023. This program is free and open to all. Advance registration required.


01/24/2023 — 2023 NCAIS Graduate Student Conference — NCAIS has opened registration for their 2023 conference! This conference will be held in-person on Saturday, February 11th from 8:00am to 8:00pm. The conference will feature NCAIS Graduate Students presenting papers in a number of academic fields related to American Indian and Indigenous Studies.


01/23/2023 — Unraveling the International Law of Colonialism: Free Zoom Event — On March 10th, ASU is hosting a free Zoom event with a multitude of great speakers to discuss the 200th anniversary of Johnson v. M'Intosh. Please see the speaker line-up and informational flyer below! More details to follow.


11/28/2022 — Native American Heritage Month Spotlight: Week 4 — As we begin the last week of Native American Heritage Month, we would like to announce our spotlights of the week. It is our pleasure to celebrate three of our undergraduate students in the American Indians into Psychology program. These individuals have assisted in the Psychology Diversified Students Program in organizing and hosting several events. We would also like to recognize the positive impact that their notable achievements have had on the field of psychology and our OSU community. We look forward to their future accomplishments!


11/14/2022 — Native American Heritage Month Spotlight Week 3 — As we begin the third week of Native American Heritage Month, we would like to announce our spotlights of the week. It is our pleasure to celebrate their achievements and recognize the impact they have had on the field of psychology and our OSU community. We look forward to their future contributions and hope you do as well!


11/01/2022 — Native American Heritage Month - Faculty and Student Recognition — To kick off and as part of Native Americacn Heritage Month, we are celebrating Native American faculty and students at OSU! These are incredible individuals who have done amazing work in the Native community and at OSU. Let's celebrate Dr. Joanna Shadlow, Cassidy Armstrong, and Meg Baker!


10/26/2022 — Diversity and Inclusion Advancing Research Grant for Indigenous Politics — The American Political Science Association is now accepting applications for the Diversity and Inclusion Advancing Research Grant for Indigenous Politics. This application cycle the grant will support scholars whose research is focused on one or more of the following target research areas:

  • Indigenous Studies
  • Indigenous Political Science
  • Sovereignty
  • Tribal Governance
  • Native Studies

Qualitative, quantitative, interpretive, or mixed methodological approaches are welcome. Collaboratively-authored projects are also welcome. Grants will range between $2,000-2,500. The applicatiion deadline is November 19th, 2022.


10/26/2022 — NCAIS Faculty Long-Term Fellowship — The Newberry Library is now accepting fellowship applications for the 2023-24 academic year! This fellowship supports researchers and faculty at institutions participating in NCAIS, with preference given to scholars at an early stage in their career. If you are interested in applying, please visit their website.


10/21/2022 — Creating a Trauma Informed Future for Children, Families, and Communities — Join the OSU community on Nov. 2 for a FREE seminar series on adversity and resilience!  See our program overview here. Register here. Dr. Misty Boyd of the Chickasaw Nation, a PhD graduate from the clinical psychology program, will be speaking at this seminar!


10/13/2022 — Native American Heritage Month — Native American Heritage Month begins on November 1st! AMIS, AIIP, and the Psychology Diversified Students Program (PDSP) will be hosing a celebratory event on November 10th. All are welcome! Please see the flyer for more information.


08/04/2022 — Celebrate the Center for Sovereign Nations Birthday! — Happy Birthday, Center for Sovereign Nations! The Center has done and continues to do a spectacular job bringing together the American Indian community. So many people have worked hard to make CSN it an excellent educational and outreach program, and on Thursday, August 5th we will have the change to celebrate! If you are interested, check out the fliers below for more information. Hope to see you there!


07/20/2022 — NCAIS Graduate Student Conference — The D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies invites graduate students within the Newberry Consortium for American Indian Studies (NCAIS) to submit proposals for individual papers in any academic field relating to American Indian and Indigenous Studies.


To propose a paper, please submit a title and a 250-word abstract of your paper by October 10, 2022 to Please submit your abstract as a separate word document or PDF and ensure your name and paper title are included in the document. The papers will be grouped into 90-minute sessions, including 15 minutes of commentary from the audience. All accepted presenters will be notified by October 2022. There is no registration fee, but you will be prompted to register prior to the event.


The NCAIS Graduate Conference is a unique opportunity to present your work to and network with other students and faculty in the consortium. While we expect the event to take place in person, the conference will be held in a virtual or hybrid format if we are unable to do so. All accepted students will be reimbursed for their travel costs to the conference and be eligible for two nights in a local hotel courtesy of the D’Arcy McNickle Center.


05/19/2022 — Newberry Adult Education Seminar: Indigenous Literature — Sign ups for the Indigenous Literature Newberry Adult Education Seminar are now open! This is a 6 session virtual seminar from June 9th to July 14th every Thursday from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.It offers an introduction to works by American Indian, Maori, and Aboriginal Australian writers to provide students with a grounding in the diverse literary traditions of Indigenous nations. The term “Indigenous” has itself risen to prominence in popular discourse, and in this course, we will interrogate what it means to group people and cultural production in this way. The class will analyze concepts like “culture,” “homeland,” and “belonging” as they are constructed in various literatures and media across a wide expanse of geographies. Please keep in mind that there are required materials (listed below). Registration is $210 or $189 for Newberry members, seniors, and students.


04/10/2022 — Center for Sovereign Nations - Weekly Recap (4/4/2022)Watch recap on YouTube.


04/10/2022 — Native American Agriculture Fund - Job Opportunity — The Native American Agriculture Fund has an opportunity to work as an investment associate! Please see the link below for requirements, responsibilities, and applicaiton information.


04/10/2022 — Undergraduate Research Symposium — OSU's Undergraduate Research Symposium is being held on April 19th, 2022 in ConocoPhillips Alumni Center! This is an excellent opportunity to see the research OSU undergraduates are completing and to give you a sense of what research presentations are like. It is a free event and all are welcome! The first poster session is at 8:30am and sessions will continue until 4:30pm. Please see the flyer for more information. Hope to see you there!


03/30/2022 — NW NARCH Summer Research Training Institude — The Northwest Native American Research Center for Health (NW NARCH) is happy to offer Intensive Tracks during the 2022 Summer Research Training Institute (SRTI) for American Indian and Alaska Native health professionals and students interested in focusing on one topic relevant to tribal health.


They will offer these Intensive Tracks in behavioral health, infectious diseases, and applied biostatistics & data science. 


  • Courses kick off in the summer, extend throughout the year, and culminate in a mentored-capstone project to be completed over a one-year or two-year period.
  • Applications strongly encouraged from AI/AN health professionals, AI/AN graduate students in the biomedical sciences, and advanced AI/AN undergraduates in the biological and social sciences or related majors.
  • Click to learn more about each track or apply, and select tracks.

03/11/2022 — NCAIS Summer Institute 2022 Program — The Newberry Consortium in American Indian and Indigenous Studies (NCAIS) are now accepting applications to the 2022 Summer Institute program. This is a four-week course in Chicago at the Newberry library (housing, travel reimbursement, and a living stipend provided). The focus this year is Mississippi river and river networks, specifically around art, activis, and scholarship regarding climate change and sovereignty. This is an excellent program, and we highly encourage anyone interested to apply. Please see the below flyer for more information and application instructions!


03/02/2022 — Department of Psychology Diversity Day — The OSU Psychology department is hosting a Diversity Day! This event is designed to provide resources to students of marginalized backgrounds who are interested in applying to psychology graduate programs. The event will be held March 25th, 2022.


03/02/2022 — AIIP Summer Enrichment Program 2022 Applications — The American Indians Into Psychology Summer Enrichment Program is now taking applications! This program is an excellent opportunity to hear from American Indian psychologists, receive mentorship from graduate students, and gain important research and clinical skills for a career in psychology. Applications are due April 30th! Please see the attached flyer for more information.


02/20/2022 — American Indian Education Fund Scholarship — The American Indian Education Fund Scholarship is open! Applications are due April 4th, 2022. See the website link and flyer for more information!


01/27/2022 — 2022 NCAIS Conference — The full program for the 2022 NCAIS Conference is now available! We have linked the full program here for your convenience, but you can also access full information about the conference on our website. The keynote address on Friday February 4 will be held in a VIRTUAL format. If you are interested in attending, please register here for the link. The conference sessions on Saturday February 5 will be held in an IN-PERSON format. Online viewing will not be available.  If you live in the Chicago area and are interested in attending the conference sessions in person, please email directly to register. The keynote address and conference sessions are open to all NCAIS faculty and students, but proof of vaccination will be required for entry to the in-person conference sessions. We hope to see many of you at the conference!


01/26/2022 — Course on Native Writers of Oklahoma (ENGL 4400) — Dr. Lindsey Claire Smith, DIrector of the Center for Poets and Writers at OSU-Tulsa, is teaching a course with the Doel Reed Center for the Arts in Taos starting May 2022. It is a Native Studies course about Native writers from Oklahoma who have participated in the arts communities/colonies in northern New Mexico. This course will be helpful to any AMIS student, students seeking humanities credits, or anyone desiring to learn more about Native writers! There are scholarships for students! Specifically a fund with priority consideration for Native students. Priority deadline for this scholarship is March 1st.


01/24/2022 — Dr. Pete's Simulation Station — OSU-COM will be on the Stillwater campus on January 25th to highlight their simulation department. Students have the opportunity to participate in a clinical case, see the functionality of our high fidelity human simulators and participate in a Q&A with current medical students!


01/24/2022 — The Chickasaw Nation Summer Internship Program — Chickasaw Students | Apply for the Chickasaw Nation Summer Internship Program (6-10 weeks)! Check out the flyer for details and apply by the February 1 deadline.


11/05/2021 — John Hopkins Indigenous Initiatives (Scholarship) — Johns Hopkins Center for Native American Health has announced new initiaitives to support Indigenous health nationwide!


10/12/2021 — Congratulations to Tracy Burris (Chickasaw tribe) as the 2021 Geography Distinguished Alumnus! — Congratulations to Tracy Burris (Chickasaw tribe) as the 2021 Geography Distinguished Alumnus! See more information about Tracy and the excellent work he does here: News from southern California.


08/22/2021 — Mvskoke Media: Native News Today 474 — In this episode, Native News Today announces the foundation of the OSU Center for Soverign Nations, including and interview with Elizabeth Payne, Director of the Center for Sovereign Nations and Dr. John Chaney, Director for the Center for American Indian Studies.


08/16/2021 — New AMIS Website Launch! — Welcome to the new American Indian Studies website!