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Golden Ratio: Math in Nature

Have you ever thought that math and nature were worlds apart? Well, they may actually be more related than you thought. We are extremely excited to lead you through the extraordinary properties of the Fibonacci numbers and the Golden ratio!


Geometric Topology

We know a lot about how to classify rigid 2D shapes, but what about rigid 3D shapes? And what happens if we think about letting each side of our shape be rubber? (spoiler alert, the earth and a banana become the same shape!) Come learn some topology with us!

Coloring and Scheduling Problems

color swatches


Do you like math AND coloring? Do you and your friends have busy schedules and want to plan more efficiently? If you answered yes to either question, then join us and learn how graph theory (and I'm not talking about XY graphs) can be used to solve these questions and do some coloring in the process.