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PhD in Applied Mathematics

The Ph.D. degree with emphasis in applied mathematics is intended to prepare a student for a variety of careers in industry, in government research laboratories, and in university research and teaching. Application of mathematics is an important skill to be cultivated by students based on an ability to discern occurrences of mathematical structures in the human environment.

Departmental Requirements for Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics

Credit Requirements

A total of 90 hours above the B.S. degree or 60 hours above the M.S. is required, including 15-24 credit hours for the Ph.D. dissertation.


Core Requirements

All candidates for the Ph.D. in applied mathematics are required to take five, three-credit-hour core courses; and complete each of these core courses with a final grade of B or better. The five core courses for the Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics are:


1. Numerical Analysis for Linear Algebra (Math 5553)

2. Real Analysis I (MATH 5143)

3. Complex Analysis I (MATH 5283)

4. Numerical Analysis for Differential Equations (MATH 5543)

5. Partial Differential Equations (MATH 5233)



Any of the courses in the above four options, MATH 5133, MATH 5213, MATH 5303, MATH 5580, MATH 5593, MATH 5613, MATH 5623.


Additional Courses

In addition to the core course requirements, every plan of study must contain at least 12 hours of graduate courses in the mathematical sciences (mathematics, statistics, or computer science).


Preliminary Research Project

Once the student has chosen their doctoral advisor, the student should commence work on their preliminary research project proposed by the advisor. The student begins the project by taking a reading course (MATH 6010) under the direction of their advisor in order. Once sufficient background knowledge has been attained and actual research has begun, the student enrolls in Doctoral Research Project (MATH 6090) until the completion of the project. The preliminary research project concludes with a written document (in the style of an academic journal article) and an oral presentation.


Qualifying Exam

The student must pass an oral qualifying exam over the area of specialization for the Ph.D. dissertation. This exam covers material on a reading list presented to the student by the advisory committee. Its purpose is to test the student's readiness to begin dissertation work.


Dissertation Proposal

An outline of the proposed dissertation research must be presented to the student's advisory committee for approval.



A dissertation must be written according to Graduate College guidelines. The dissertation consists of an original research contribution in applied mathematics. It must be prepared according to the style required of doctoral dissertations and defended.


Graduate College Requirements

 All requirements listed in the university catalog must be satisfied.