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Algebraic Geometry Research Group

Algebraic Geometry is the study of the geometry of the zero set of polynomial equations. In the modern language, such zero sets are known as affine or projective varieties or more generally schemes.  The general principles of algebraic geometry have deep connections to other branches of mathematics like number theory or even in physics. The algebraic geometers at OSU have broad research interests, which include projective techniques in algebraic geometry, syzygies of algebraic varieties, enumerative geometry, moduli spaces, birational geometry, Schubert varieties and arithmetic geometry


  • John Doyle

    B.S./M.A./Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2014.


    Dr. Doyle's main research interests are in the field of arithmetic dynamics, which is the study of dynamical systems from an algebraic perspective. His research involves techniques from number theory and algebraic geometry, and much of his work deals with moduli spaces which classify dynamical systems with prescribed dynamical behaviors.

  • Maria Fox

    Ph.D., Boston College, 2019; B.S., University of Texas, 2014.


    Dr. Fox's research interests are in the field of number theory, specifically arithmetic geometry. She is interested in topics related to the geometry of Shimura varieties in characteristic p.

  • Jayan Mukherjee

    Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2021

  • Anand Patel

    B.S., UC Berkeley, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2013.


    Dr. Patel has diverse interests in algebraic geometry. These include:  moduli of curves, classical projective geometry, arithmetic geometry, and enumerative geometry.

  • Edward Richmond

    B.A., Colgate University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 2008.


    Dr. Richmond's mathematical interests include algebraic geometry, algebraic combinatorics, Lie theory and representation theory. He is currently interested in anything related to flag varieties and Schubert varieties.