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Numerical Analysis Research Group

The numerical analysis group at OSU focuses mainly on the study of numerical methods for partial differential equations. Topics we have been working on include continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods, the finite volume methods, a priori and a posteriori error estimations, least squares methods, various preconditioning techniques, and numerical implementations. We also have extended interests in other related topics such as finite difference methods, numerical linear algebra, and large-scale computing. Accurate and efficient numerical methods can be used to successfully simulate many complicated physical processes in areas such as solid and fluid mechanics, surface sciences, electromagnetism, and mathematical finance, etc.


  • Ning Ju

    Ph.D., Indiana, 1999.

    Applied mathematics.

  • JaEun Ku

    Ph.D., Cornell, 2004.

    Numerical analysis, Finite Element methods for Partial differential equations, Least-Squares Methods for Linear Elasticity problems and Navier-Stokes equations, A posteriori error estimates

  • Xu Zhang

    B.S./M.S., Sichuan University; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2013.

    Dr. Zhang's research is on numerical analysis and scientific computing. In particular, he is interested in numerical methods for partial differential equations. Recently, his research focuses on immersed finite element methods for interface problems including algorithm development, implementation, error analysis, and engineering applications.