Our Research Team
Anton Avramov, Ph.D. Candidate
Research Interests: My main scientific interests are focused on Photosystem II of cyanobacteria regarding the mechanism of light-driven assembly of Mn4CaO5 cluster. Currently I’m studying the role of Mn2+ and Ca2+ binding ligands provided by D1 and CP43 proteins in the assembly process.
Allen Coburn, Undergraduate Researcher
Research Interests: Development and application of gene modification systems using CRISPR.
John Dorlon, Undergraduate Researcher
Research Interests: Application of CRISPR technology to study CO2-uptake mechanisms.
Avery Dutcher, Undergraduate Researcher
Research Interests: Using cyanobacterial for sustainable technology development.
Dylan Fifeld, C/Lt. Col, AFROTC, Undergraduate Researcher
Research Interests: Development and application of gene modification systems using CRISPR.
Clark Jett, M.S. Student
Research Interests: Utilizing CRISPR gnetic modification methods for understanding photosynthetic mechanisms
Sydney Markham, Undergraduate Researcher
Research Interests: Heterologous expression and analysis of cyanobacterial carbonic anhydrases.
Neil Miller, Ph.D. Candidate
Research Interests: I am interested in the cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating mechanism; particularly the Complex I-like CO2 hydrating NDH-1 complexes and whether their ability to hydrate CO2 is coupled to both electron transport and proton pumping across the thylakoid membrane.
Ross Walker, Ph.D. Student
Research Interests: cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating mechanism
Minquan Zhang, Research Scientist
Research Interests: I am a chemist by training and perform much of the protein purification in the laboratory. My interests are in protein structural determination and the development of new techniques to analyze protein function.