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Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance

What do students say about this class and the instructor?

"I was able to see a friend of mine over the holidays who is currently in his 3rd year at Duke Med School. He had a patient that exhibited Vancomycin resistant bacteria. This led to us discussing how Vancomycin worked against bacteria. He actually had no idea how it functioned against bacterial cells, but I was able to explain it and have a further in depth conversation about ABx's and their mechanisms of action. Was a cool moment that I thoroughly enjoyed. So thank you again for a great class. One of the best as I learned a ton from it." (Email from a student who took the class in 2019)


"Dr. Cabeen has definitely been one of the best professors I have had in my four years at Oklahoma State. You can tell he has a deep passion for teaching his students and when professors have that it makes the class so much more enjoyable. I would recommend this class and professor to anyone that likes science and especially those pursuing a career in the health field. I feel as though I am leaving the class with an expanded knowledge on antibiotics and their mechanisms. The class never felt hard but I believe that is because of his teaching approach and how well he explained each process." (Anonymous student feedback from 2020)


"The material in the course is extremely interesting and complex and I would say that it is my favorite class I've taken so far. I appreciate how into detail Dr. Cabeen goes with all of his explanations to make sure that we can all understand what he is teaching about. I think the material was very well rounded and I truly feel like I learned so much in here." (Anonymous student feedback from 2019)


"The material for this course is really interesting. The course is overall well thought out, as well as well executed. I have loved every minute of this class, which isn’t something I can say about others." (Anonymous student feedback from 2019)


"Dr. Cabeen has been one of the best instructors I have taken a course with in my entire Undergraduate coursework. He is professional, respectful, engaged and always prepared for class and student questions." (Anonymous student feedback from 2020)


"Dr. Cabeen is a great professor. I learned so much and I especially loved that what I learned about was relevant to my future career path and experience in lab. I think the topics covered coordinated with other professor’s lessons which really helped me ingrained the information in my brain. Thank you for a great semester!" (Anonymous student feedback from 2021)


"This has been my favorite course I have taken in college. It is so relevant to the world today, and the course material is up to date also. It is so interesting to learn all of the different aspects of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance, and not just the science of it. I loved learning the background and the economic importance just as much as the science. I never would have expected to enjoy a course so much or look forward to going to class as much as I have. I personally do not have any complaints or think there is anything that needs improvement." (Anonymous student feedback from 2019)


"Dr. Cabeen was the perfect blend of charismatic and professional. Easily one of the best learning experiences I've had. I don't know what I would change about this class." (Anonymous student feedback from 2021)


"This was the best course I have ever taken. The material was interesting and can absolutely be applied in my future career plans." (Anonymous student feedback from 2019)


"The lectures were fantastic. Having Dr. Cabeen writing everything down as he spoke I think made things so much easier to listen to and digest. I found the exams and assignments to be very straightforward and I felt like I was given all of the tools I needed to do a great job. And even with the amount of information, I never felt that the workload was too much to handle." (Anonymous student feedback from 2022)


"This course was bomb! totally worth it when it came to historical context, biology, and modern application." (Anonymous student feedback from 2019)


"Dr. Cabeen has been the best professor I have had in college, and I have taken multiple classes with some amazing professors, so that says a lot. He genuinely cares about teaching students, and not just helping them achieve a grade. He makes his about learning and understanding, not just about doing assignments or testing to get that desired grade. He is so passionate about teaching and about this subject that it makes everyone excited to learn about it too. If you pay attention and take notes, it is kind of impossible to not learn anything and make bad grades in this course. Dr. Cabeen makes his classroom a comfortable environment to ask questions, discuss a topic, and answer questions/interact during the lecture. He cares about knowing his students and being there to help in any way. I have never had a professor care about teaching and helping as much as Dr. Cabeen has, and it really has made me more excited and motivated about learning again." (Anonymous student feedback from 2019)


"I LOVED this class and have told all of my micro friends to take it. He is a great teacher and makes things interesting. the way the class is designed I actually wanted to learn the material and didn't have to stress out about the tests or homework." (Anonymous student feedback from 2021)


"Dr. Cabeen knows his stuff. It’s actually amazing how hyped he gets about antibiotics in class. It definitely helps class to be more interesting at times. He’s always receptive of questions and people trying to answer even if they don’t get it correct. One of the best professors on this campus for sure." (Anonymous student feedback from 2019)