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  • Our collaborative project funded by NIH (PI: Prof. Aihua Xie) was approved for a supplemental instrument award that will allow us to the purchase a nanosecond step-scan FTIR instrument.
  • Wouter Hoff received the 2024 Oklahoma State University College of Arts & Sciences 2024 Holistic Science Prize for outstanding achievements in multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or holistic academic research.
  • Sarah Teeman was selected as a departmental Outstanding Senior in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and an OSU Truman Institutional Nominee, and she received second place for undergraduate posters ar rge 2024 MBMGSA meeting.
  • Rosalie Dohmen was selected as the 2024 Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Departmental Nominee.
  • OSU filed for a patent “Homology-based derivation of structure-function rule for protein families” on behalf of Rosalie Dohmen and Wouter Hoff.


  • Our 3-year collaborative project “Empowering research and engineering of biological CO2 uptake mechanisms by integrating molecular structure, genomic diversity, bioinformatics, and metabolomics” DOE; PI: Rob Burnap, Co-PIs: Mostafa Elshahed, Noha Youssef, Jianping Yu (NREL), Wouter Hoff was funded.
  • Our 1-year collaborative OSU OneHealth Collaborative Seed Grant Program project“Antimicrobial resistance in the ecology of extensive cattle production”; PI: Jared Taylor (Veterinary Pathobiology), co-PIs: Wouter Hoff, Kiranmayi Mangalgiri (Biosystems/Agricultural Engineering), Anil Kaul (OSU CHS) and Akhilesh Ramachandran (OK Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab) was funded.
  • Saylor Hampton was admitted to medical school.
  • Sarah Teeman received a 2023 Wentz Research Scholarship and a 2023 Women Faculty Council Student Research Award
  • Rosalie Dohmen was selected as the Teaching Assistant of the Year for the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2022-2023 and also as the Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award for the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 2022-2023.


  • On November 2, 2010 the Oklahoman published a news feature on a joint project with Prof. Li Ma at OSU on developing novel biosensors.
  • Our lab was featured on television (August 13, 2010).
  • Philip et al., Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences USA 107: 5821-5826 was selected for the Faculty of 1000 Biology for 2010.
  • Our lab was featured on the web site of the OSU College of Arts & Science.
  • Lee et al., Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences USA 98, 9062-9067 (2001) was discussed in a commentary article Shedding light on protein folding in J. Cell. Biol. 154,677 (2001).