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Accelerated Masters of Science (AMS) 4+1 Option

The Accelerated Master’s Degree offers students the opportunity to obtain a Master’s of Science in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics in one year. The Microbiology and Molecular Genetics AMS Program strives to admit academically strong students and educate them for successful careers based on a science foundation.


Admissions are made through the OSU Graduate College with referral to the Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics (MMG). The OSU Graduate College guidelines are to be followed for admissions with the department making the final selection of AMS applicants. The selection process considers GPAs, recommendation letters (at least three letters are required), and statement of purpose. Personal and phone interviews could be conducted to assess students potential and readiness for the program.


There are two tracks for achieving an M.S. in microbiology in one year post graduation. The 4+1 option allows microbiology majors to apply for a M.S. degree after their junior year. Students accepted to the program will take nine shared graduate/undergraduate credit hours during their senior year and 21 credit hours during their one post graduate year. Students from other departments/schools or microbiology majors can also apply post-graduation for a one-year master's that entails 30-32 credit hours in one post-graduate year. In both tracks, didactic course work, an independent literature review or authentic research experience, and an oral presentation are required for graduation.


This AMS program has a "rolling" enrollment period with the final submission deadline being July 1 in order to start the following fall semester. This program is designed to fit within a 12-month period including summer enrollment.


The Accelerated Master’s program does NOT qualify for financial assistance in the form of a graduate student stipend (graduate research assistant or graduate teaching assistant). Students participating in this program do not qualify for a university tuition waiver. Please see tuition and fees for more details.

Program Benefits for Students

This program offers students an opportunity to obtain graduate-level knowledge of microbiology in a 1-year time frame. The overall goal of the program is to provide an environment of scholarship, integrity, research and teaching excellence that will assist students in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to excel as professional scientists and educators. This setting can help students establish a strong knowledge base in preparation for applying to medical school or veterinary medicine programs. In addition, the program can be beneficial to law students interested in areas such as biomedical patent law, or to professionals employed in the biotechnology industry who need to obtain an MS degree to further their careers in industry.

Typical Curriculum Structure for AMS Degree:

Fall Semester:

Quantum Microbiology (6163), Microbial Pathogenesis (5273), Recent Advancements in Microbiology (6120), Special Problems in Microbiology (5990), 5 credit hours of Microbiology elective


Spring Semester:

Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation (6263), Microbial Ecology (6213), Recent Advances in Microbiology (6120), Special Problems in Microbiology (5990), 5 credit hours of Microbiology elective


Summer Semester:

Special Problems (5000) - 2 credit hours.


Approved electives:

Non-zero ending MICR or BIOC courses at 5000 level or above, ZOOL5283, or BIOL5524

FAQs about our AMS program:

We have provided a PDF document to answer potential questions that you might have about our program.


Download the Accelerated Master's Student Handbook.