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Vocal Studio Audition Repertoire


To schedule an audition, please visit our audition information page.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education

  • Two memorized works from the classical vocal repertoire (no pop, Broadway or contemporary Christian). At least one selection must be in either Italian, German, Spanish or French.
  • Applicants will be evaluated on poise, excellent pitch, proper breathing, phrasing, expression and tone.
  • sight-reading (music literacy) is an important aspect of the audition at OSU. Each applicant will be asked to sight-read two excerpts.
  • Bring a copy of music for the accompanist. (An accompanist is provided, but the applicant is expected to bring a copy of the score.)

Bachelor of Music in Music Performance

  • Three memorized works from the classical vocal repertoire (no pop, Broadway or contemporary Christian). At least one selection must be in either Italian, German, Spanish or French.
  • Applicants will be evaluated on poise, excellent pitch, proper breathing, phrasing, expression and tone.
  • sight-reading (music literacy) is an important aspect of the audition at OSU. Each applicant will be asked to sight-read two excerpts.
  • Bring a copy of music for the accompanist. (An accompanist is provided, but the applicant is expected to bring a copy of the score.)

Bachelor of Science in Music Industry

  • One memorized work is required for the audition: Applicants will be evaluated on poise, excellent pitch, proper breathing, phrasing, expression and tone.
    • The selection can be from the Broadway, folk song or pop repertoire.
  • Each applicant will be asked to sight-read two excerpts.
  • Bring a copy of music for the accompanist. (An accompanist is provided, but the applicant is expected to bring a copy of the score.) No recorded accompaniment tracks are allowed.

Bachelor of Arts in Music

  • Two memorized works from the classical vocal repertoire (no pop, Broadway or contemporary Christian). At least one selection must be in either Italian, German, Spanish or French.
  • Applicants will be evaluated on poise, excellent pitch, proper breathing, phrasing, expression and tone.
  • sight-reading (music literacy) is an important aspect of the audition at OSU. Each applicant will be asked to sight-read two excerpts.
  • Bring a copy of music for the accompanist. (An accompanist is provided, but the applicant is expected to bring a copy of the score.)

Master of Music in Music Performance

  • Thirty minutes of memorized music representing at least four languages: English, Italian, German, French, or other sung language.
  • The audition should comprise music from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and modern periods including opera/oratorio arias.
  • The audition program should also be given to the panel the day of the audition.
  • A comprehensive repertoire list.
  • Auditionees will be provided a pianist for free. If the auditionee would like rehearsal time prior to the audition, the pianist will be put in touch with them for scheduling and fee purposes.
  • Auditionees should be prepared for a short interview.