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Cowboy Music Camp Schedule


Our Cowboy Music Camp schedule is subject to change and will be updated in the coming weeks. Check back often! 

All Instrument Campers | Sunday, July 7
Time Event Location
12 - 4 PM Check-in & Auditions (all instruments) GSM Student Lobby
7 PM Camper Orientation TBD

WBP & Strings | Monday, July 8 - Thursday, July 11
Time Event Location
6:45 AM - 7:45 AM Breakfast TBD
8 - 8:30 AM Instrument Specific Warm-Up / Fundamentals TBD
8:40 - 10:10 AM Full Ensemble Rehearsal MCPA
10:20 - 11 AM Elective (Theory / Conducting / Keyboard / Indigenous People's Music)Private Lesson Time Slots* GSM Classrooms
11:10 AM - 12 PM Sectionals GSM Rehearsal Halls
12 - 1 PM Lunch Break  
1:10 - 2:50 PM Full Ensemble Rehearsal MCPA
3 - 4 PM Large Chamber Ensembles / Small Chamber Ensembles / Masterclasses TBD
4:10 - 5 PM Elective (Theory / Conducting / Keyboard / Indigenous People's Music)Private Lesson Time Slots* GSM Classrooms
5 - 7 PM Dinner & Free Time  
WBP & Strings | Friday, July 12
Time Event Location
6:45 - 7:45 AM Breakfast  
8 - 9 AM Band Dress Rehearsal MCPA
9:30 - 10:30 AM String Dress Rehearsal MCPA
10:30 AM - 1 PM Packing / Lunch  
1 PM Piano Recital MCPA
3 PM Large Ensemble Recital MCPA

Piano | Monday, July 8 - Thursday, July 11
Time Event Location
6:45 AM - 7:45 AM Breakfast TBD
8 - 9:50 AM Private Lessons / Practice Block TBD
10 - 11:30 AM Masterclass Piano Lab
11:30 AM - 1 PM


1 - 2:50 PM Duet Practice / Individual Practice Practice Rooms
3 - 4 PM Duet Coaching / Duet Practice / Individual Practice Practice Rooms
4:10 - 5 PM Elective (Theory / Conducting / Keyboard / Indigenous People's Music)Private Lesson Time Slots* GSM Classrooms
5 - 7 PM Dinner & Free Time  
Piano | Friday, July 12
Time Event Location
8 - 9 AM Breakfast  
9 - 11 AM Piano Recital Dress Rehearsal MCPA
11 AM - 1 PM Packing / Lunch  
1 PM Piano Recital MCPA
3 PM Large Ensemble Recital MCPA

All Instrument Campers | Evening Schedule 7 - 9 PM
Day Event Location
Monday Camp Faculty & Staff Performance MCPA
Tuesday Movie Night TBD
Wednesday Talent Show or Rec Time TBD TBD
Thursday Chamber and Honors Recital MCPA

*Private Lesson times are limited due to faculty availability and scheduling.