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The Ultimate

Groundwater Tool

Through a collaboration the Groundwater Foundation, the CAS Boone Pickens School of Geology at OSU has created a fully online lab experience that compliments their hands-on kits. These groundwater lessons can reach more classrooms than ever before! Awesome Aquifer includes six essential lessons to visually understand fundamental groundwater concepts. The digital kit is geared toward ages 5-8, but can be expanded to 3-4 and 9-12. 

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AA360 By The NumbersAwesome Aquifer 360 continues to spread groundwater education across the nation. 

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Awesome Aquifer 360 Lessons

The lessons for Awesome Aquifer 360 are listed below and suggested for grades 5-8.  Everything a teacher may need to teach these important groundwater concepts are provided with access to the digital kit. Additionally, every lesson is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), so teachers meet curriculum expectations in their classrooms.

Groundwater and Surface Water: Is groundwater and surface water connected? Address concepts such as water table, confined vs unconfined aquifers, groundwater recharge, runoff, and infiltration. 

Pumping the Supply: Is groundwater a renewable resource? Students install a working pump to explore concepts such as well withdrawal, drawdown, groundwater depletion, over drafting, and the parts of a groundwater well. 

Discover Porosity: Which holds more water, sand or gravel? The two porous medias are utilized to discover the effects of high porosity, and what characteristics of rock lithologies make it easier for groundwater storage.

Explore Permeability: Does water flow at different speeds? Students further explore groundwater flow by calculating the flow rate of water though different materials. Permeability, porosity, and concepts, such as confining units and impermeable rocks are discussed. 

Contamination Clues: How does groundwater become polluted? An important part of understanding how our environment becomes contaminated is demonstrated in this lesson. Students explore monitoring wells and discover types of contamination. 

Clean It Up: Can contaminated water be cleaned? Explore different types of contaminants and ways environmental geologists remediate contaminated areas. Students also discover how water is treated and the origin of drinking water.