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The Writing Center is a space of collaboration and embraces a relational-based pedagogy that focuses on the importance of peer tutoring. In the Writing Center, our tutors are also writers and readers you can trust to try out ideas on, to ask questions you’re grappling with, or to be a second pair of eyes to help refine your writing through discussions about clarity, syntax, and style. We read anything you’re writing, from web design projects and blogs to conference presentations to senior thesis projects. In a consultation, you meet individually with a writing tutor (face to face or online) and can receive guided feedback at any point in your writing process, from brainstorming to polishing.


We believe in collaborative learning, and our tutors are grounded in writing center theory and pedagogy to help you with your writing through guiding questions; an understanding of genre, purpose, and audience; a focus on writing as a process; and revising techniques in order to best support you both with the paper and as a writer. We view our sessions as conversations and believe in the power of talking about writing in order to empower ourselves as thinkers and writers; through conversation, negotiation, learning with and from difference, and critical collaboration, we aim to foster agency and self-efficacy in our writers. We ask that you come in with any materials you’re working with and be prepared with specific questions. However, we know that sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start, and our tutors can help you with that, too!