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The Friends of the Forms is a student philosophy club that began in 1975. Once a year the club hosts a special "Philosopher-in-Residence" program. We invite a philosopher of national reputation to come for three to four days, give two lectures, and meet informally with students and faculty. Here is a list of of the philosophers who've participated in this program.


Year Philosopher in Residence Title of Talk(s)
2025 Luvell Anderson TBD
2024 John Symons Loneliness and Love in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
2023 Larry Shapiro How Philosophers Think About Thinking
2022 Eleanor Stump Suffering and Flourishing
2021 Esme Murdock Ontologies of Eco-Kin: Indigenous World Sense/ing
2019 Robert Gressis The Placeholder View of Disagreement

What Should Professors Think about Bad Students? And What Should Students Think about Bad Professors?
2018 Krma Lekshe Tsomo Living and Dying in Buddhist Cultures
2017 Jonathan Dancy Understanding Tolerance
2016 Paul Saka Providence and Probability: God, Chance and Ultimate Meaning
2015 Sherri Irvin Icons of False Hope? The Role of Images in Thinking about Racial Justice

Norms and Ontology
2014 Theodore Kisiel Heidegger's Meditations on the Meaning of Modern Technology

How to Philosophize on Our Own Human Situation of Being According to Martin Heidegger
2013 Jim Yates The Hitchcock Gaze: Women, Men and the Panoptic Lens

The Hitchcock Style: Mise-en-Scene, Montage and the Subversion of the Audience
2012 Jane Ackerman Imagining Native Americans
2011 Jack Weinstein Defending Progressive History: Adam Smith Responds to Michel Foucault

Why Adam Smith? Why Now? Some thoughts on the renewal of interest in the father of capitalism
2010 Steven Schroeder On Not Founding Rome: The Virtue of Hesitation

Thirteen Ways of Looking at Laozi: Language and Silence
2009 Norman Finkelstein Civility and Academic Freedom

The Israel-Palestine Conflict: What we can learn from Ghandi
2007 Christopher Smeenk Fine Tuning Problems and Early Universe Cosmology

From Space and Time to Spacetime
2006 Linda Zagzebski Fate and Fatalism

Self Trust and the Diversity of Religions
2005 Brian Orend Justice After War: Afghanistan and Iraq

Supreme Emergencies & Ethics: From World War II to the Terror
2004 Michael Tye Can I Survive My Own Bodily Death? Philosophical Questions About Personal Identity

The Problem of Common Sense
2003 Stanley Hauerwas Lectures on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
2002 Gary Comstock Genetic Engineering
2001 Herman Saatkamp Santayana: Naturalism & Genetics
2000 Fred Dallmayr Globalization: Curse or Promise

Homelessness/Homecoming: Heidegger on the Road
1999 Larry Hickman Hardhats and Habermas: The Technophobic Residue in Communicative

Intelligence as a Public Project: John Dewey's Three-Point Program Ac on
1998 Nicholas Capaldi The Liberal Paradigm in Affirmative Action

Why is Philosophy Being Marginalized in the Academic World?
1997 George Graham Psychopathology and the Mystery of Consciousness

Psychopathology, Freedom and the Experience of Externality
1996 Douglas Kellner Cultural Studies and Media Culture

Modern vs. Post-Modern Theory: Some Contemporary Debates
1995 Lucius Outlaw Africana Philosophy

On Race and Philosophy
1994 Sandra Harding Is Science Multicultural? Challenges, Resources, Opportunities

Strong Objectivity: Contributions from Feminism
1993 Bruce Wilshire Art and Truth

The Moral Collapse of the University
1992 Herbert Dreyfus From Socrates to Expert Computer Systems: The Limits of Calculative Rationality

What is Moral Maturity? The Carol Gilligan-Jurgen Habermas Debate
1991 Konstantin Kolenda Miraculous Life

Pragmatism, Old and New
1990 Peter French Responsibility, Retribution, and 'Tit-for-Tat'

The Dangerous Hero
1989 John McDermott Hi-Tech and a Philosophy of Medicine

Pragmatic Ethics: An Alternative
1988 Clark Glymour Philosophy of Science
1987 Carl Wellman Prolonging Life/Delaying the Inevitable

Utility and Rights
1986 Norman Kretzmann Power, Evil, Goodness and Love in Medieval Explanations of Creation

William Ockham and the Creation of the Beginningless World
1985 Erich Heller Kafka’s Dog Fable

Nietzsche's Prophecy
1984 Joel Feinberg Legal Philosophy

Moral & Legal Obligations of the Good Samaritan
1983 Ted Cohen Jokes: A Philosophical Stroll and The Standard of Artistic Taste
1982 Robert Solomon Love: A Philosophical Perspective

The Structure of Emotion
1981 Hazel Barnes Freedom and Psychology and Sartre and Flaubert
1980 Kenneth Sayre Computers, and the Mind/Body Problem

Morality, Values and Private Industry
1979 Marjorie Grene Evolution and Scientific Progress

Idea and Judgment in the Third Meditation of Descartes
1978 Richard De George Anarchism and Authority

Marxism and the Morality of Capitalism
1977 Maurice Wiles Faith, Doubt, & the University Theologian
1976 Richard Taylor If God is Dead, Is Nothing Forbidden?

Reasons and Causes
1975 Charles Hartshorne Metaphysics and the Two Basic Analogies

Ways of Thinking About God