Quantum Information Science, Optics and Photonics Research
Dr. Donna Bandy (Noble Research Fellow) and her students are investigating "whispering gallery modes" (WGM's) using sophisticated modeling techniques to predict properties such as mode excitation and outcoupling using tapered optical fibers.
Dr. Thomas Bilitewski leads a theoretical AMO and condensed matter group research broadly interested in quantum many-body physics, non-equilibrium dynamics and quantum simulation. A main driving motivation of their work is to provide insightful explanations for experimental results and actionable realistic proposals for applications and exploration of fundamental physics. I much enjoy collaboration with experimental groups, and my work is often guided by recent novel experimental capabilities and attempts to open up practical new avenues for advancing quantum simulation, information and metrology in ultra-cold atomic and molecular setups.
Dr. Mario Borunda studies several problems in quantum information science and quantum computing. His group is interested in understanding the properties of Bose-Einstein condensates and ultra cold Fermi atomic systems. Particularly, spin transport in and the effects of inducing spin-orbit coupling in atomic systems.
Dr. Mayukh Lahiri’s research focuses on quantum information science and quantum imaging. He is currently engaged in developing novel approaches to the generation, manipulation, and measurement of entangled quantum states. Other interests include the applications of these quantum states to various problems in quantum information science and quantum imaging.
Dr. Yingmei Liu's experimental quantum physics research group has generated highly programmable quantum simulators using ultra-cold quantum gases and investigated their novel applications in quantum information science. The main research focus of her sodium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) lab is to investigate novel non-equilibrium dynamics and develop quantum-enhanced precise magnetic sensors with massively entangled atoms, while her rubidium BEC lab has focused on realizing a topological phase quantum simulator with discrete-time quantum walks in momentum space. These research goals are both of fundamental interest for advancing our understanding on quantum physics and of technological significance.
Dr. Al Rosenberger is studying the fundamental properties and technical applications of "whispering gallery modes" (WGM's) of light in dielectric microresonators. For example, a fused-silica microsphere less than 1 mm in diameter supports many WGMs, whose evanescent parts extend outside the sphere to "feel" the environment. Applications include quantum-dot microlasers and chemical sensors.