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Research Opportunities

for Undergraduate Students


Dr. BabuBabu Headshot

Dr. BandyBandy headshot

  • The study of coexisting attractors and other nonlinear phenomena in an optomechanical system.


Dr. BentonBenton headshot

  • Working on radiation detectors to measure secondary cosmic ray neutrons on the ground.
  • Radiation in aircraft and high-altitude balloons, and radiation aboard spacecraft like the International Space Station.
  • Working with computer models to predict radiation exposure in the upper atmosphere and in space.
  • Dr. Benton's Lab

Dr. BorundaBorunda headshot

  • The goal of the Borunda Research Group is to accelerate the discovery of new materials that are useful to society.
  • Topics of interest include energy harvesting materials (photovoltaics and thermoelectrics) and functional materials (magnetic alloys, superconductors, and graphene).
  • Undergraduates can learn and apply computational methods such as quantum computing, machine learning, and electronic structure.
  • We are also recruiting students that want to carry out the materials science experiments to grow and characterize the materials we are modeling.
  • Dr. Borunda's Lab

Dr. GoncalvesGoncalves headshot

  • Higgs phenomenology.
  • Top quark physics.

Dr. HaleyHaley headshot

  • Event selection optimization in searches for new particles with the ATLAS detector at CERN.
  • Using machine learning to search for new particles with the ATLAS detector at CERN.

Dr. KhanovKhanov headshot

  • Machine learning for searches for new particles with  the ATLAS detector.

Dr. Yingmei LiuLiu headshot

  • Dr. Liu’s research lab at OSU is one of only five sodium Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) labs in the United States. BECs are ultra-cold gases in which atoms become essentially indistinguishable from one another, allowing for observations of quantum behaviors at a macroscopic level.
  • Dr. Liu’s research lab has implemented a highly programmable quantum simulator using sodium BECs and experimentally demonstrated that this quantum simulator can be more powerful than its classical counterpart in studying many-body systems.
  • All major parts of the experiment in Dr. Liu's lab, including optical, electronic, and data acquisition equipment, have been and will continue to be designed and built by her undergraduate and graduate students.
  • As a measure of the success, the research experience in the PI's group had enabled her students to win 25 national/state/university awards.
  • Dr. Liu's Lab

Dr. McIlroyMcIlroy headshot

  • Nanomaterials: Nanosprings, Nanowires, Metallic Nanoparticles and Hybrid (zero-D and 1D) Nanostructures.
  • Gas interactions at the Surfaces of Nanomaterials.
  • Catalytic Properties and Applications of Hybrid Nanostructures.
  • Conductivity and Photoconductivity of Transport of Individual 1D and Hybrid Nanostructures.
  • Chemical Sensors Constructed with Hybrid Nanostructures.
  • Hydrogen Storage by Nanosprings.
  • Carbon Coated Nanosprings for Electrodes.
  • Dr. McIlroy's Lab

Dr. RizatdinovaRizatdinova headshot

  • Developing new readout systems for the ATLAS detector.

Dr. RosenbergerRosenberger headshot

Dr. XieXie headshot

  • Research Opportunities in Physics of Proteins and Biomedical Physics What is life? What is health? What causes cancer? All these questions are closely connected with physics of proteins, physics of life and biomedical physics.
  • The members and researchers of the Xie Lab develop and apply novel experimental tools and quantum physics based computational study to explore, investigate, and find answers to these vital scientific questions.
  • Professor Xie encourages and invite interested undergraduate students to contact her to explore exciting research opportunities in her state-of-the-art research lab in physics of proteins and biomedical physics.

Dr. YostYost headshot

  • Growth of Nanoparticle thin films for photovoltaics and photocatalysis.
  • Building a Catalysis reaction chamber.