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Facilities and Resources

Modern equipment and plant growth chambers are available for anatomical, physiological, biochemical and molecular studies in the labs of Drs. Doust, Scheets, and Yang. Model plants being studied include Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays, Medicago truncatula, Sorghum bicolor and Setaria italica.

PCR Core Facility

Life Sciences East houses a PCR Core Facility used by researchers from PBEE and Microbiology.


Resources for the PCR Core Facility:

Information on Quantitative PCR (qPCR):

Area Facilities

Excellent facilities are available for research in the areas of ecology/environmental science.


The OSU Herbarium houses approximately 140,000 plant specimens plus collections of seeds/fruits and cryptogams, a library of botanical books, and a complete set of topographical maps of the State of Oklahoma.

General Lab Safety Training

The following information covers the main laboratory safety topics that are common to most research laboratories in the Department of Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution. For complete safety information (including radiation and biological safety policies), see the OSU Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) webpage.


Faculty must provide safety training to ALL personnel within 30 days of employment. All training must be documented in the PBEE office. A copy will be sent to EHS. Personnel will find most of the general information on this web page, but specifics such as locations of safety items and lab protocols unique to each lab are the responsibility of the individual faculty supervisor. Faculty are legally responsible even if they have delegated safety training to another employee (e.g., technician, graduate student, or postdoc).


Within 30 days of employment, complete the PBEE Safety Training Exam and provide a hard copy to the administrative assistant in the PBEE office. He/She will send a copy to EHS.


All employees will need to watch quarterly safety videos to stay current on lab safety techniques and procedures. Watch a short video on Lab Techniques and Safety with a Crash Course in Chemistry.

Know where to find and use these emergency items:

  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Eyewash Station
  • Safety Shower
  • First Aid Kkit

Each lab must have readily available:

ALL chemical containers MUST be labeled with:

  • Chemical Ingredients and Concentrations
  • Date
  • Name/Initials of Responsible Person
  • Required Protective Gear (goggles, gloves)


NFPA/HMIS Hazard labels (available in 301 PS) tell you about the hazards associated with a chemical (0= low risk, 4 = severe risk)

NFPA/HMIS Hazard Labels Sign


Hazard Sign


Specific Examples


hazard signs


Store oxidizers (nitrates/-ites, peroxides, chromates, iodates) separately, away from combustibles.


YOU must request an SDS (safety data sheet) from retailer each time you purchase a chemical. SDSs for the PBEE labs in Life Sciences East are stored prominently in LSE 022 where they are ALWAYS accessible. SDSs for PBEE labs in the Henry Bellmon Research Center (HBRC) and Physical Sciences (PS) will be kept in the individual labs.


Searchable Online SDS database


SDS = name(s) of ingredient(s), CAS# (chemical abstracts service) + ...

  • Physical and fire/explosion data, NFPA #s
  • Toxicity
  • Health effects and first aid
  • Reactivity, incompatibility, polymerization
  • Storage and disposal procedures
  • Conditions to avoid (what NOT to do with this chemical)
  • Spill & leak procedures
  • Protective equipment

Handle ALL volatile/toxic chemicals in fume hood, wear goggles, gloves, apron/coat. There is a face shield available in LSE 022.


Common "clean" waste acids/bases may go down drain ONLY after neutralizing to pH 6-8 w/ compatible acid/base. Organic solvents, heavy metals, etc. should NEVER be poured down the drain. Store compatible waste solvents, toxics in appropriate small (<4 L), labeled container. Label full containers w/ orange hazardous chemical surplus tag (obtain from 301 PS).


Chemical Surplus Tag


To remove chemicals, fill out a Chemical and Material Removal Request form. Give it to the administrative assistant in the main office. He/she will obtain the department head's signature and send it on to EHS.


An employee exposure report must be filed within 24 hours after ANY incident. Keep the original in the lab. Give a copy to the administrative assistant in the PBEE office, who will then mail a copy to EHS.