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The Department of Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution encourages all students to become involved in research projects supervised by faculty members. These activities expand your undergraduate experience and often set the exceptional student apart the crowd. Each year, employers and professional schools review hundreds of transcripts filled with outstanding grades. Experience gained through direct involvement in research can provide the competitive edge. Participation in research provides solid evidence that an individual is experienced at specific tasks and capable of working on a team. Some students are paid hourly wages for their contributions to ongoing research projects. Others pursue independent research and earn credit toward their degree.


It is easy to find a research advisor. Examine our faculty page to find an area of research that interests you, and don't hesitate to contact the faculty member about opportunities. It is not necessary for you to major in Plant Biology to conduct research with a faculty member.

Undergraduate Research Hours

Current Grant Funding

  • Dr. Bénédicte Bachelot is a co-principal investigator for a $334,985 NSF grant (January 1, 2022-December 31, 2023), "Effects of Experimental Warming, Disturbances, and Species Interactions on Tropical Tree Community Demography". Information about the grant.
  • Dr. Mark Fishbein is the principal investigator for a $934,248 NSF grant (September 1, 2019-August 3, 2024) for 'Digitization TCN: Collaborative: American Crossroads: Digitizing the Vascular Flora of the South-Central United States'. Information about the grant.
  • Dr. Andrew Doust, is principal investigator on a National Science Foundation-IOS grant (June 15, 2020-May 31, 2024) in the amount of $400,000 for Collaborative Research on the 'Genetic Comparisons of Abscission Zones in Grasses’. Dr. Julie Angle (OSU College of Education) is a co-PI. Information about the grant.