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Communication Action Project of Tulsa (CAP)

Dual-generation approaches—targeting parents and children simultaneously— represent a promising and innovative antipoverty strategy for families. Through our partnership with Northwestern University researchers, Lindsay and Teresa smiling at cameraP. Lindsay Chase-Landsdale and Teresa Eckrich Sommer, and Community Action Project of Tulsa (CAP), we aim to understand how a dual-generation program influences parent growth, child development, and family stability. We currently have three studies evaluating CareerAdvance® : CAP Family Life Studies (FLS), CAP Family Advancement Study (FAST), and Northwestern University Two-Generation Child and Family Outcomes Study (NU2Gen). These studies have been funded by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the Kellogg Foundation, and the Foundation for Child Development.

CAP Family Life Study

This research project is designed to study the expansion of CareerAdvance®,an adult workforce development program run by the Community Action Project of Tulsa County (CAP). CareerAdvance® supports the career development of low-income parents with children enrolled in CAP’s early learning centers. The purpose of this research study is to better understand how participation in the CareerAdvance® program influences family economic stability, parental personal and career development, parenting, household organization and time use, and child cognitive and social development.


Read Related Publication—What are the Effects of a Two-Generation Human Capital Program on Children’s Attendance & Chronic Absence in Head Start?

Read Related Publication—What are the Effects of a Two- Generation Human Capital Program on Children’s Outcomes in Head Start?

Read Related Publication—What are the Effects of a Two- Generation Human Capital Program on Low-Income Parents’ Education, Employment and Psychological Well-Being?

CareerAdvance® Works for CAP Tulsa Parents, Families, and Children


CAP FAST is a randomized control trial evaluating the impact of a dual-generation education program for parents and their children in CAP’s Head Start programs. This dual-generation program provides education services, including, ESL, college- and career-readiness, and coaching for parents while their children attend Head Start programs. An implementation study on the key strengths and challenges of the intervention, and how it can better serve Head Start families will also be conducted.


Read related publication—A Two-Generation Human Capital Approach to Anti-poverty Policy


This new study is a randomized control trial, and part of the Health Professions Opportunity Grant (HPOG II) through the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). In the past, CareerAdvance® has been available to parents of CAP Tulsa's Head Start program. This new funding will make this program available to the entire Tulsa community of eligible parents. The aim of the NU2Gen Study is to examine the outcomes of the program on children and family. It is the only one of its kind in the nation.