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  • 2023 SPP International Collaboration Award: Taylor Dattilo
  • 2023 SPP Marion and Donald Routh Student Research Grant Runner-Up: Rachel Fisher


  • 2022 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Katie Traino
  • 2022 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Lexie DeLone
  • 2022 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Rachel Fisher


  • Dr. Mullins was awarded OSU’s 2021 Eminent Faculty Award! This award is the highest honor given to a faculty member who has made sustained contributions to scholarly creative activity, instruction, and service, bringing honor and recognition to the University.
  • 2021 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Katie Traino
  • 2021 Div 22 Student Leadership Network Grant: Taylor Dattilo
  • 2021 SPP APA Scholar Award: Taylor Dattilo
  • 2021 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Taylor Morgan
  • 2021 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Rachel Fisher
  • 2021 SPP AYA SIG Poster Award: Taylor Morgan


  • 2020 St. Jude's CCSS Career Development Award: Christina Sharkey
  • 2020 Women’s Faculty Council Student Research Award: Megan Perez
  • 2020 Sheryl Benbrook Women for OSU Endowed Student Scholarship: Megan Perez
  • 2020 SPP International Collaboration Award: Katie Traino
  • 2020 Student Poster Award, Rehabilitation Psychology Annual Conferene: Dana Bakula


  • 2019 Pediatric Research/Innovative Statistical
  • Methodology (PRISM) Special Interest Group Poster Award: Christina Sharkey
  • 2019 Pediatric Research/Innovative Statistical
  • Methodology (PRISM) Special Interest Group Poster Award: Dana Bakula
  • 2019 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Caroline Roberts
  • 2019 Pediatric Gastroenterology Special Interest Group Poster Award: Caroline Roberts
  • 2019 Pediatric Research/Innovative Statistical Methodology (PRISM) Special Interest Group Poster Award: Caroline Roberts
  • 2019 SPP Diversity Poster award: Megan Perez
  • 2019 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Megan Perez
  • 2019 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Katie Traino
  • 2019 Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Christina Sharkey
  • 2019 Pediatric Research/Innovative Statistical Methodology (PRISM) Special Interest Group Poster Award: Hannah Espeleta
  • 2019 SPP Diversity Poster award: Hannah Espeleta
  • 2019 SPP Student Travel Award: Alexandria Mullins Delozier
  • 2019 SPP Student Travel Award: Marissa Baudino
  • 2019 Pediatric Research/Innovative Statistical Methodology (PRISM) Special Interest Group Poster Award: Marissa Baudino
  • SPP International Collaboration Award: Christina Sharkey
  • Journal Pediatric Psychology’s Top Cited Article of 2019: Dana Bakula


  • 2018 Foundation for Rehabilitation Psychology Dissertation Award: Dana Bakula
  • 2018 Excellence in Clinical Service and Leadership Award: Dana Bakula
  • 2018 Excellence in Clinical Service and Leadership Award: Christina Sharkey
  • 2018-2020 Doris Duke Fellowship for the Promotion of Child Well-Being: Hannah Espeleta
  • 2018 Division 53 Graduate Student Achievement Award in Clinical Practice: Christina Sharkey
  • 2018 OSU women's faculty council research award: Christina Sharkey
  • 2018 OSU women's faculty council research award: Kate Gamwell
  • 2018 OSU women's faculty council research award: Marissa Baudino
  • 2018 Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center Summer Scholars’ Undergraduate Fellowship - May - August: Clayton Edwards
  • 2018 SPP Pediatric Research/Innovative Statistical Methodology (PRISM) SIG Award: Kate Gamwell
  • 2018 SPP Complementary and Integrative Medicine (CIM) SIG poster award: Kate Gamwell
  • 2018 SPP diversity SIG poster award: Alli Mullins
  • 2018 Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center Summer Scholars’ Predoctoral Fellowship - May - August: Caroline Roberts
  • 2018 OSU Remember the Ten Scholarship: Caroline Roberts
  • 2018 OSU Remember the Ten Scholarship: Megan Perez
  • 2018 OSU Remember the Ten Scholarship: Dana Bakula
  • 2018 OSU Remember the Ten Scholarship: Alli Mullins
  • 2018 SPPAC Student Poster Award: Caroline Roberts
  • 2018 SPPAC Outstanding Student/Trainee Research Symposium, selected oral presentation: Dana Bakula
  • 2018 SPP Student Travel Award: Christina Sharkey
  • 2018 SPP Student Travel Award: Dana Bakula
  • 2018 SPP Student Travel Award: Kate Gamwell
  • 2018 SPP International Collaboration Award with Dr. Martha Grootenhuis at Prinses Maxima Centrum: Christina Sharkey
  • 2018-2019 SPP Hem/Onc/BMT SIG student representative position: Megan Perez


  • 2017 St. Baldrick's Summer Fellowship ($5,000): Christina Sharkey
  • 2017 OUHSC Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics Dept., Above and Beyond Award: Dana Bakula
  • 2017 International Society of Pediatric Oncology Conference Selected Oral Presentation: Dana Bakula
  • 2017 SPP diversity SIG poster award: Alli Mullins
  • 2017 Pediatric Research/Innovative Statistical Methodology Special Interest Group Exemplary Methods/Statistics Award: Christina Sharkey
  • 2017 Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources Summer Research Training Program Fellow: Hannah Espeleta
  • 2017 Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources Summer Research Training Program Fellow: Marissa Baudino
  • 2017 Adolescents/Young Adults Special Interest Group Trainee Poster Award Runner Up: Christina Sharkey
  • 2017 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Convention, 1st place student poster: Christina Sharkey
  • 2017 OSU Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Megan Perez
  • 2017 OSU Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Hannah Espeleta
  • 2017 OSU women's faculty council research award: Alli Mullins
  • 2017 People's Choice Award: OSU Graduate College Three Minute Thesis Competition: Christina Sharkey
  • 2017 1st place for College of Arts & Sciences - OSU 3 Minute Thesis Competition: Christina Sharkey
  • 2017 College of Arts & Sciences Finalist - OSU 3 Minute Thesis Competition: Alli Mullins
  • 2017 Society of Pediatric Psychology Student Travel Award: Kate Gamwell
  • 2017 Society of Pediatric Psychology Student Travel Award: Megan Perez


  • 2016 Poster Presentation Award, OU Health Science Center Pediatric Research Day: Hannah Espeleta
  • 2016 International Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference Selected Oral Presentation: Alli Mullins
  • 2016 International Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference Selected Oral Presentation: Dana Bakula
  • 2016 International Society of Pediatric Psychology Conference Selected Oral Presentation: Christina Sharkey
  • 2016 National Institute of Health Fellowship - Oklahoma Shared Clinical & Translational Resources Summer Research Training Program ($3,000): Kate Gamwell
  • 2016 Oklahoma State University Three Minute Thesis Competition (semi-finalist): Kate Gamwell
  • 2016 Pediatric Oncology Student Training grant: Christina Sharkey
  • 2016 Vennerberg/Wells Summer Scholarship: Christina Sharkey
  • 2016 Vennerberg/Wells Summer Scholarship: Dana Bakula
  • 2016 Psychology Graduate Student Association Travel Award: Alli Mullins
  • 2016 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Convention, 1st place student poster: Christina Sharkey
  • 2016 Oklahoma State University Research Week, 3rd place student poster: Dana Bakula
  • 2016 Society of Pediatric Psychology, Student Spotlight Award: Alayna Tackett
  • 2016 OSU Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Christina Sharkey
  • 2016 OSU Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Kate Gamwell
  • 2016 APA International Conference Registration Grant: Christina Sharkey
  • 2016 Women for OSU Wirt June Newman Memorial Scholarship: Alli Mullins
  • 2016-2017: Graduate Student Association Travel Award: Hannah Espeleta


  • 2015 Oklahoma Psychological Association invited oral presentation ($150): Kate Gamwell
  • 2015 Psychology Club Invited Speaker - "What is Pediatric Psychology?": Kate Gamwell and Alli Mullins
  • 2015 OSU Remember the Ten Run Scholarship: Alli Mullins
  • 2015 APA Division 54, Student Travel Award: Alli Mullins
  • 2015 Vennerberg/Wells Summer Scholarship: Alli Mullins
  • 2015 Vennerberg/Wells Summer Scholarship: Kate Gamwell
  • 2015 Psychology Graduate Student Assoc. Travel Award: Alli Mullins
  • 2015 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference Student Poster Award: Kate Gamwell
  • 2015-2017 OSU Psychology Club Invited Annual Lecture on Pediatric Psychology: Kaitlyn Gamwell
  • 2015-2017 OSU PSI CHI Invited Annual Lecture on Pediatric Psychology: Kaitlyn Gamwell