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Masterclass Series

Parent-Focused Resources

Parent and Caregiver Voices Project—The mission of the Parent and Caregiver Voices Project is to hear from parents and caregivers who have children with medical, developmental, and behavioral conditions to share about their experiences. We hope to create a space where parents and caregivers, who are experts in their own experiences, can share their knowledge with all of you, as it can be so easy to feel alone on this journey. We feel strongly that caregiver wellbeing is just as important as child wellbeing, and this series focuses on the caregiver’s needs.



Oklahoma Food Resources Menu—Katie Maschino from Hunger Free Oklahoma shares helpful information about various food resources accessible to families in Oklahoma.



Psychological Flexibility for Parents: Simple Strategies for Reducing Stress and Promoting Mindfulness—Dr. Misty Boyd, a clinical psychologist, discusses psychological flexibility for parents in a conversation with Center for Pediatric Psychology trainee, Rachel Fisher. Listeners will learn how to incorporate psychological flexibility into their daily lives.

Provider-Focused Resources


No Money, No Mission – Health Care Financing for Behavioral Health—Dr. Stephen Gillaspy



Using Technology-based Services to Promote Caregiver Mental Health after Pediatric Traumatic Injury—Listen to Dr. Leigh Ridings, a clinical psychologist at Medical University of South Carolina, discuss her research on the use of technology-based services to promote caregiver mental health after a pediatric traumatic injury.



Bridging Clinical Practice with Psychosocial Research—Listen to Dr. Lori Wiener discuss her work translating psychosocial research into family-centered clinical tools in the context of pediatric oncology.



Food Insecurity and mental Health: How to Screen and Help Families—Katie Maschino from Hunger Free Oklahoma shares helpful information for mental health providers on food insecurity and resources in Oklahoma.



Mental Health, Help and Support: A Caregiver's Perspective—DeBorah Boneta, Oklahoma Leadership and Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (OKLEND) 2020-2021 Parent/Family Intern, shares her perspective on how mental health providers can support caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental and related disabilities.



Genitoplasty and Mental HealthThe Society of Pediatric Psychology's Differences of Sex Development Special Interest Group invited Dr. Amy Wisniewski and Katie Traino to present as part of their Master Class lectures. Watch Dr. Wisniewski and Katie discuss the history of genitoplasty and their team's research on genitoplasty and mental health in the context of differences of sex development.



Open and Honest Communication During Pediatric Palliative Care—Cora Welsh, MA, CCLS, Manager of Pediatric Palliative Care at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, MD, discusses the role of palliative care in pediatric settings and shares important communication considerations for families and healthcare providers working with children with serious illnesses.



Developing and Implementing Evidenced-based Services for At-Risk Youth in Mississippi—Listen to Dr. David Elkin discuss the development of the Center for Advancement of Youth, a comprehensive, interdisciplinary center that provides evidence-based care to at-risk youth in Mississippi. The goal of the center is to ensure that all children and youth have access to high-quality behavioral and developmental services.



Implementing Psychosocial Services for High-Risk Youth with Type 1 Diabetes—Listen to Dr. Angelica Eddington discuss the importance of implementing psychosocial services for high-risk youth with type 1 diabetes to address barriers to care and health disparities in this population.



Adherence Assessment and Promotion in Pediatric Oncology and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation—Dr. Ahna Pai, Distinguished Pediatric Psychology Alumna awardee, virtually visited Oklahoma State University on October 8th, 2020 as part of the Center for Pediatric Psychology Speaker's series. Watch Dr. Pai's colloquium presentation in which she discussed her research on methods to assess and promote adherence in pediatric oncology and hematopoietic stem cell transplant populations.



Illness Uncertainty in the Context of Differences of Sex Development—The Society of Pediatric Psychology's Differences of Sex Development Special Interest Group invited Dr. Larry Mullins to present as part of their Master Class lectures. Watch Dr. Mullins discuss his team's research on illness uncertainty in the context of differences of sex development.