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Practice ARC: Anti-Racism Clinically

About the Podcast

The Department of Psychology's Student Diversity Committee was awarded funds from the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) to create a training tool for equity, inclusion and justice in the clinical practice of psychology.


The training tool is a 6-part podcast series with supplemental resources entitled Practice ARC: Anti-Racism Clinically. This podcast is intended to introduce and expand on multicultural sensitivity in clinical training, practice and supervision.

How to Use

Practice Anti-Racism Clinically (ARC) is a student-led podcast funded by APPIC that strives to educate and create conversation about anti-racism practices within the therapy setting.


Each episode has supplemental resources to learn more about the hosts, guests, and topics discussed. Importantly, supplemental materials have content to review before and after each episode. These materials can be utilized for individuals as well as group listeners. Each supplemental guide has three sections:


  • Before You Listen: prompts can be used to prepare listeners for the topic of each episode and to encourage listeners to reflect on their own identities or experiences.
  • Episode Summaries: recap the conversations and showcase another scholar or activist that the podcast guest admires and thinks is a change maker.
  • After You Listen: prompts conversations with others about the topic and provides journal prompts for individual self-reflection. Additionally, Action Items are provided, which are meant to extend the topic past the podcast episode and into daily life.
    Additional Resources and Further Readings provide readings, podcasts, and other resources that can continue to educate listeners on topics discussed during the podcast.

Episode 1: Defining Cultural Humility

Dr. Arredondo describes cultural competency development as a human development process, as well as a learning process of becoming more culturally competent. She posits that cultural competency development involves 1) self-awareness of our own values, our biases, our belief systems, our traditions, and our emotions, 2) Development of knowledge and context, 3) Clinical skills to use with our clients. Dr. Arredondo and the hosts further discuss the importance of recognizing intersecting identities of individuals and families that we work with.


Episode 1: Supporting Resources
Episode 1: Transcript 

Episode 2: How to Practice with Cultural Humility

Dr. Han Ren discusses her conceptualization of cultural humility as a framework or lens she uses when conducting clinical work. Within this multicultural framework a key premise is to remember “I don’t know what I don’t know.” Dr. Ren and the hosts reflect on the importance of remaining open to recognizing - and admitting - when they don’t know something and how to seek out the knowledge or education necessary to provide culturally-appropriate care.


Episode 2: Supporting Resources
Episode 2: Transcript

Episode 3: Diving Deeper into Cultural Humility for Mid-Training Clinicians

Dr. Carmen Bell discusses the importance of using a biopsychosocial model in therapy to help clinicians conceptualize the client’s case while considering their background and what theories or treatments may be most beneficial to them. Dr. Bell and the hosts chat about assessing how strongly clients relate to or identify with their culture and the significance of educating yourself on hot-topics occurring within that culture. She also highlights the importance of asking questions regarding the client’s culture without burdening the client to teach the clinician about their culture.


Episode 3: Supporting Resources
Episode 3: Transcript

Episode 4, Part 1: Cultural Humility in Special Populations—Individuals with Disabilities

Dr. Brian Watermeyer shares his experiences related to cultural humility within the therapeutic relationship and the importance of not making assumptions about individuals with disabilities. Specifically, Dr. Watermeyer and the hosts discuss the importance of therapists addressing their own internal biases and fears related to acquiring a disability and how those biases can negatively impact clients’ care.


Episode 4 Part 1: Supporting Resources
Episode 4 Part 1: Transcript

Episode 4, Part 2: Cultural Humility in Special Populations—Individuals with Disabilities

Dr. Ijeoma Opara highlights critical considerations regarding cultural humility when working with children/adolescents and their families. She discusses how case conceptualization might differ across clients, as well as clients’ comfort disclosing personal information. In this conversation, eight strategies are offered for practicing cultural humility in the child/family therapeutic context, in addition to other considerations when working with different marginalized groups. Overall, Dr. Opara recommends working within the existing family structure to promote healing, while centering the client’s mental health in treatment.


Episode 4 Part 2: Supporting Resources
Episode 4 Part 2: Transcript

Episode 5: Cultural Humility in Supervision and Mentorship

Dr. Riana Anderson discusses areas for improving cultural humility within the hierarchical system of academia, namely among supervisors/mentors and trainees. She provides practical tools for translating missteps and good intentions into advocacy and meaningful change to ultimately cultivate an environment in which those who are most vulnerable can thrive. Recommendations include taking a diagnostic inventory of the respective training environment, treating education in cultural humility the same as other training content, and disclosing experiences of discrimination in academia as a way of prioritizing wellness among others.


Episode 5: Supporting Resources
Episode 5: Transcript

Episode 6: Bringing it Home—Panel Question and Answer Mini-Episodes—Dr. Brodt

Dr. Brodt, Flores, Hollingsworth, Varela, and Wingate reflect on the topics discussed in previous episodes. They highlight ways in which their respective programs may implement some of the techniques discussed and provide listeners with additional steps that have been applied at their home institutions. Panelists emphasize goals their programs are working towards to improve DEI.


Episode 6: Supporting Resources
Episode 6: Dr. Brodt Transcript

Dr. Flores

Dr. Brodt, Flores, Hollingsworth, Varela, and Wingate reflect on the topics discussed in previous episodes. They highlight ways in which their respective programs may implement some of the techniques discussed and provide listeners with additional steps that have been applied at their home institutions. Panelists emphasize goals their programs are working towards to improve DEI.


Episode 6: Dr. Flores Transcript

Dr. Hollingsworth

Dr. Brodt, Flores, Hollingsworth, Varela, and Wingate reflect on the topics discussed in previous episodes. They highlight ways in which their respective programs may implement some of the techniques discussed and provide listeners with additional steps that have been applied at their home institutions. Panelists emphasize goals their programs are working towards to improve DEI.


Episode 6: Dr. Hollingsworth Transcript

Dr. Varela

Dr. Brodt, Flores, Hollingsworth, Varela, and Wingate reflect on the topics discussed in previous episodes. They highlight ways in which their respective programs may implement some of the techniques discussed and provide listeners with additional steps that have been applied at their home institutions. Panelists emphasize goals their programs are working towards to improve DEI.


Episode 6: Dr. Varela Transcript

Dr. Wingate

Dr. Brodt, Flores, Hollingsworth, Varela, and Wingate reflect on the topics discussed in previous episodes. They highlight ways in which their respective programs may implement some of the techniques discussed and provide listeners with additional steps that have been applied at their home institutions. Panelists emphasize goals their programs are working towards to improve DEI.


Episode 6: Dr. Wingate Transcript

Additional Ways to Listen

Apple Podcasts

